Today I will take part in the codeforce contest after a while and I hope to do it well. I think my rating will be increased or decreased ,about how much users with more or less rating are above or down from me. So my question is: New users,that are unrated starts with 1400 points or 0? I ask this,because if they start with 1400 and I go better than some,then that will helps my rating to be increased,but if they start with 0 and I go worse than some, then in that case my rating will be in "dangerous" case. :D
Thank you for your time !!!
with 1500
Now I have 1364. If I go better than some new users that is pros for me?
I guess your rating is independent of new users (unrated).
It is likely that it solely depends on the rating of rated users in the leaderboard.