Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos's blog

By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 7 years ago, In English

Hello people ! Today, I was thinking that I am 22 and still I did not manage to be at division 1 here in codeforces. That made me sad but also gave me a boost to practice harder in the future. Whats your age and how your own journey in competitive is going until now ? I was always wondering, there are people older than 24-25 years old who practice regularly in competitive programming ? Because cp is something fun and I would not like to stop it as I grow up because I learn so many things here.

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 7 years ago, In English

Hello people. I am trying this problem http://www.spoj.com/problems/SEGMENTS/ few hours and I can't come up with any good solution. Also I did not find any tutorial or any solution for that problem online and this is why I am posting it here. If anyone can suggest any idea or full solution it would be great.

Thank you !

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 8 years ago, In English

Hello people! I like practicing in many fields of CP but many times I feel a bit bored or unmotivated because I am alone. I have noticed that if many people are in a group and solve same problems with same goals everybody work harder. So is anyone who has some group and wants to invite me or anyone who wants to join with me and create a new group ? Btw I would like to improve my english so it would be interested to have some talks about problems if you want.

Thanks for your time !

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 9 years ago, In English

Hello ! I created a contest in a2oj. Here is the link https://a2oj.com/contest?ID=27599. The contest is gonna last many days(10+) with the purpose to practise in advanced graph/tree algorithms. Some of these algorithms are HLD, Centroid Decomp, Max flow, SCC, and other similar to graph/trees. I have already add some problems and you can register and start practising, but you are kindly request to send me problems via message or post them below, so I can add them in the contest. Problems that you already solved or no, it doesnt matter. In that way, each member will give a problem that maybe an other member hasnt solve it yet, so we can gather many problems to practise.

Thank you !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 9 years ago, In English

What is the most efficient algorithm when the problem gives you a string of N length and asks you to answer in Q queries if the ith word of length M (where M is much lesser than N -> M << N) is contained into 'N length word' ?

Thanks in advance !

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 9 years ago, In English

When someone has solve a problem in div2 it appears as "green" and when you click to the problem you can see the submission. But if you go in the same problem in div1 it appears again as "green", but when you click to the problem you can't see the submissions that happened in same problem in div2. That makes harder to see your own previous submissions for that problem, and also you can't see submissions of your friends because maybe they have submit that problem in other division. Is any way to fix that ?

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 9 years ago, In English

Hello coders! Could anyone help me with that problem? Here is my submisssion http://codeforces.net/contest/633/submission/16451760. And I can't understand why it takes WA on test 53

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 9 years ago, In English

I want to practise in Coci problems, but I dont know where to submit. I usually take the 'test data' and I test my source for each case, but that is too tired. So if anyone knows how to write a .bat file(I know that in linux is simpler, but these days I use windows :P) for testing all of the cases at once, please post it bellow. Also if you know a better way, share it with us. Thank you for your time !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 9 years ago, In English

I has submit today 5 times in practise mode, and for each submission cf takes 10+ minutes. Is that because cf is too overloaded, or I can do something to fix it?

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 10 years ago, In English

I am sorry if that post is repeated again, but I tryied to google and I didnt find anything. That what I want, is a shedule that tells me when we are going to have a contest about codeforces,topcoder,codechef..and much more.

I remember that someone had post here something but I cant find it.

Thank you !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 10 years ago, In English

I wanted to use codeforces api for something and I came up with a game called 'super deal'. For any who doesnt know it,it is a game with bags. Each bag has its value(Here I use cf api. I take values from the rating of users. For example the highest you will see is for tourist .), and you pick a bag,and after some other selection and negotiations you take the money of the bag you had last.

Source is simple: "https://github.com/Hepic/Super-Deal-Cf-Style-" If someone is free and wants, he can contribute free. I would love that :)

Also I uploaded here, for any who wants to see it: "http://zabidey.com/whateveridontcarelol/Super%20Deal(Cf%20Style)/index.html"

(For windows because of ajax you need to open chrome writing in cmd: "start chrome.exe --user-data-dir="C:/Chrome dev session" --disable-web-security"). If someone can improve it, go ahead. :)

Thank you for your time !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 10 years ago, In English

I submited in the D problem a O(n^3) logic because of 4 seconds,but it took TLE. Here it is: http://codeforces.net/contest/552/submission/11650074

In the comments I saw a source similar to me: http://codeforces.net/contest/552/submission/11648192 that passed.

What is wrong with mine?

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, history, 10 years ago, In English

If you go to the "Rating" page in codeforces,you will see that it has "Rating(All)" and "Rating". Also some people "dont count" to the rating. What is that change? I thought that we count only the 'active' members,but I dont know. What do you think?

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I am trying to solve this problem: http://codeforces.net/contest/545/problem/E My source is that: http://pastebin.com/Jyjb6sjx

I take memory limit in testcase 6. Can you help me? Thank you !

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

In every div2 contest we see many 'unregister' accounts to be at top coders. I know that it is difficult to know if a coder is cheater or no,but we can see the time that he made his/her account. So I think it would be a good idea,if codeforces let someone to take part in a contest after 2-3 days of registaration. What do you think? Is that silly idea,or codeforces could implement it?

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I have submit an answer for a problem and for 15+ minutes prints me "in queue...". I resubmit it,to see if it lagged but it shows me the same again. I also submited some other sources just to check if there is any problem with the spesific question,but again the same... How much time will take?

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I was trying to solve a problem here in codeforces,and I used "set". I wanted to search for a value so I used "lower_bound". I submitted and I took TLE. After I changed a bit the source,and I used find() instead of lower_bound() and I passed all testcases. Why happens that? Is find() faster than lower_bound()??

Thank you !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

Problem statement is here: http://community.topcoder.com/stat?c=problem_statement&pm=13686 Solution: http://pastebin.com/jmVQ6twd

I firstly solved it with "binomials" and it was accepted. Now I solved it with dp,and pass all tests except the 8th.(TLE) Could anyone see if my code has anything wrong that make it slower,or it is due of python?

(I saw in editorial,they use almost the same logic)


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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I remember before 2 weeks,I saw a great post about geometry from a guy here in codeforces. Today I saw a bit topcoder tutorial about geometry and solved some problems,but I cant find this post. I tryied to google it,but found many other geometry topics except of this. If someone remembers it,could send it to me? Thanks !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I am referring to this problem: https://www.hackerrank.com/contests/w14/challenges/superman-celebrates-diwali

My source: http://pastebin.com/mvhXAMAU

My c++ code,pass some tests and gets some WA,but 2-3 days now I cant really undetand the reason. I checked also the editorial,and I saw almost same logic. Also I think that editorial's source give different results than the correct too...weird. So I made this post,for every coder can help me,and find any error to my source.

Thank you in advance !!!


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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

Today I will take part in the codeforce contest after a while and I hope to do it well. I think my rating will be increased or decreased ,about how much users with more or less rating are above or down from me. So my question is: New users,that are unrated starts with 1400 points or 0? I ask this,because if they start with 1400 and I go better than some,then that will helps my rating to be increased,but if they start with 0 and I go worse than some, then in that case my rating will be in "dangerous" case. :D

Thank you for your time !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

The problem I try to solve is: http://codeforces.net/contest/505/problem/B My code is: http://pastebin.com/Av4Ry8nS

In the third testcase,i receive "runntime error". This error is due of my code,or due of c# language? Because in the past,I had a similar error with c#,but not with c++.

Thank you for your time !!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I like participate in contests,and I hope to become better by practise and time :D. Anyway,I would like to participate with one or two friends together as a team,some times. My question is: Could I take to all contests part as a team?? And if yes,then how the rating works at the members??

Thank you for your time !!!!

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

Hello,in my practise program I solve twice times problems that I did not solve easily the first time. For example if I meet a div 2 C,or D problem that I cant solve,then I look the editorial,and I add this problem to a list for remembering. After one week I try to solve it. But I can solve it easy,because I remember some steps.....

My question is: Is good to re-solve old problems? If yes,then you need to have forgot the solution,or one week after is good?

Thanks,and sorry for bad english :D

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By Hepic_Antony_Skarlatos, 10 years ago, In English

I have notice,that many times unrated people goes very very well in contests. For example in the contest that runs now(#277),the first six contestants are unrated.... Isnt that strange?

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