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Why does my following solution get WA. I used kmp prefix function to compute the prefix of the given string and its reverse,pi2[] and pi1[] respectively.
Then I computed the longest prefix and suffix of the string which are palindromes. If the rest of the string except the palindrome prefix or suffix is also a palindrome I output it as an "alindrome". I handled two special cases for checking "palindrome" with length 1 and other "palindrome"s. All other strings are "simple".
Please help me with some test cases or pointing out any flaw in my reasoning or code. Code follows.
Why does my following solution get WA. I used kmp prefix function to compute the prefix of the given string and its reverse,pi2[] and pi1[] respectively.
Then I computed the longest prefix and suffix of the string which are palindromes. If the rest of the string except the palindrome prefix or suffix is also a palindrome I output it as an "alindrome". I handled two special cases for checking "palindrome" with length 1 and other "palindrome"s. All other strings are "simple".
Please help me with some test cases or pointing out any flaw in my reasoning or code. Code follows.
#include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #define MAX 200005 int pi1[MAX],pi2[MAX],m; void pre1(char P[]) { int i,k=m; pi1[m-1]=m; for(i=m-2;i>=0;i--) { while(k!=m && P[k-1]!=P[i]) k=pi1[k]; if(P[k-1]==P[i]) k--; pi1[i]=k; } } void pre2(char P[]) { int i,k=-1; pi2[0]=-1; for(i=1;i<m;i++) { while(k>=0 && P[k+1]!=P[i]) k=pi2[k]; if(P[k+1]==P[i]) k++; pi2[i]=k; } } int main() { int t,i,k; char str[MAX]; scanf("%d",&t); while(t--) { scanf("%s",str); m=strlen(str); pre1(str); int p=m; int f=1; for(i=0;i<m;i++) { while(p!=m && str[p-1]!=str[i]) p=pi1[p]; if(str[p-1]==str[i]) p--; if(i && str[i]!=str[i-1]) f=0; } if(f==1 && m>1) { printf("alindrome\n"); continue; } if(p==0) { printf("palindrome\n"); continue; } pre2(str); int r=-1; for(i=m-1;i>=0;i--) { while(r>=0 && str[r+1]!=str[i]) r=pi2[r]; if(str[r+1]==str[i]) r++; } for(i=p-1;i>=0;i--) if(str[i]!=str[p-i-1]) break; if(i==-1) { printf("alindrome\n"); continue; } for(i=r+1;i<m;i++) if(str[i]!=str[m-1-i+r+1]) break; if(i==m) { printf("alindrome\n"); continue; } printf("simple\n"); } return 0; }
I solved this problem using Hashing.
Here goes my idea:-
1) First I would hash the given string and its reverse.
2) Then If H1 is the hash of the 1st string(s1) and H2 is the hash of the 2nd string(s2 reverse string) then I would say that s1[1...L] is represented by a value equal to H1[L](An Integer) and s1[L+1...R] = H1[L+1...R] = H1[R]-H1[L]*Power(R-L+1).(Compute all the powers first)
3) Now I would say that if s1[1...i] = s2[N-i+1,N] then H1[i] = H2[N-i+1,N].
4) So I would iterate i from 1 to N-1.
5) Now I would say that the given string is an "alindrome" if H1[1...i] = H2[N-i+1,N] and H1[i+1...N] = H2[1.....N-i];(For any i)
6) Else if s1==s2 then a palindrome.
7) Otherwise, it would be simple.
Here is my Source Code:-
Still, if you want to know where your went wrong u can check your code with the test cases in udebug.