I have submit an answer for a problem and for 15+ minutes prints me "in queue...". I resubmit it,to see if it lagged but it shows me the same again. I also submited some other sources just to check if there is any problem with the spesific question,but again the same... How much time will take?
Same story here, the queue never finished for me and it said "Judgment failed". The annoying part is it prevents me from re-submitting the same code even though the original code was never judged working or not working. Gotta add random comments to my code to make it a new unique submission.
Just add a space.
smh, this blog is 5 years old and no doubt the op doesn't care about it anymore. what's up with so many people spamming ancient blogs?
So that someone who visits the blog later gets a quick answer.
I'm also have the same problem but I'm waiting for 3-4 hours
There are some server issues I suspect. When that is resolved, the judge will work fine. In most cases, all judgement failed submissions are re-judged too.
Same here. Hope it will be solved soon.
For anyone who is interested,problem is fixed.
Same here.
now i get in this problem lol ;} after 4 yers history again repeats itself ;/
The actual problem is that after 4 years I still do cp! I think you just need to wait.
Wow, you had to wait 4 years to get past the queue? Maybe it's time to upgrade the judge.
now again...what happened?
I just migrated from hackerrank to Codeforces. I did an easy problem and submitted a solution. Why doesn't it show what went wrong? or compiler messages like in Hackerrank? Further, my submission status/ Verdict is showing "In-Queue" I've been waiting for an hour now? Show I leave codeforce or go to Codechef? or move back to hackerrank? Please guide me by sparing a few minutes!
stay calm:D In-Queue means your solution will be submitted in a maximum 1min,and that doesn t mean that you are going to wait 1 hour. What kind of compiler messages did you mean? And lastly comparing hackerrank with codeforces is pointless:D
Your solution was probably in queue because Round #574 recently finished and system testing was active. In this phase, which typically lasts less than an hour, the testing machines are busy with verifying solutions of ~10000 participants.
So this happens very rarely, you were just unlucky.
It's problem with the server
I submitted a solution 22 minutes ago and it's still in queue . Is anyone else facing the same issue??
Running from last 3 hr
You waited all just to receive WA on test 1 :(
It is not queue forces,it's q(ue)^1e18 forces!
I hope the Technocup won't be reschedule >_<
facing the same problem.The verdict is stuck in queue!
UPD: I suppose it is fixed for now.
Do people not have common sense? If system testing is going on, the queue will obviously be long.
dude, it's going on for hours now that doesn't make any sense
System testing was happening when you wrote your comment. What doesn't make sense?
Ohh sorry mate I miss read your comment!
History is repeating again
It is because there's an ongoing contest. So the judge is already overloaded, since over 10,000 participants are submitting solutions almost simultaneously.
LOL is it system problem?
it's happened again!! :""
CF's OJ is good enough but bad in that situation .. I think it should be with a better performance because it's a really BIG name in Competitive programming.
Meeh! I was idiot XD
it's happened again!! :""
It's because the system testing for current contest so it has a lot of rush we can say rush hours .. and also the contest has a lot of submissions while it's running you know. that's why I said "I was Idiot" :3
again now. ;(
It's painful and anxious to see so many waitings in front of my submissions:(
Of course I think it will be fine soon.
Please welcome to me the club, I would feel great to be a part of this history. :D
Waited so long just to receive WA on test 2 :/
anybody experiencing queue right now?
resolved for me.
Feeling same now :) How timely it appeared on my recent actions
I am facing the same problem now, it's more than half an hour I submitted the code and it's in queue :/
yeah... same
getting this issue again , from last 10 minute it is showing in queue.
Because it is system test time, of course it is overloaded now.
Same issue happening now
I also have the same problem , this should have been resolved 8 years ago
and the problem is back
damn this issue is 8 years old , happening to me right now
Don't worry. Its an issue on server side. The server has got more submissions than it could handle. Wait for some time and it will go away.
The reason of current queue are vjudge3, vjudge4 and vjudge5
History repeat
It happens to me now for the problem https://codeforces.net/problemset/problem/103/B
Works again now. It seems performance issue in peek hour.
again queue
Now it happens again:)
Same problem once again. The submissions are in queue for over an hour now! A weird issue. There should be some way out of it.
yes it uptil now
This hack is taking forever (in the last edu div2)
same problem after 9 years ):
i also faced same issue.... whenever i submit any solution, it goes in queue and after that every submission goes into queue!
can anyone please tell me about that
wait sometimes, all submission right now is in queue, means your submission is pending. Server issue,
10 years later, and the same issue still exists...