I am getting TLE with this problem in java.
Here is the link to the problem http://www.spoj.com/problems/CT16E/
Here is my code http://ideone.com/bxG58H
Can I do more optimization to get it passed with java or I need to change the state representation or even the approach ??!!
y not try it out here on codeforces ? 16E - Рыбы
I did now and it's accepted in codeforces.
But I actually want to pass it on SPOJ with java :D .
Without having a closer look on the problem and just looking at the code, these are the optimizations I can suggest.
part of the if-statement in the DP a loop level./pairs
part from both loops in the DP, i.e. change todp[mask] /= pairs
function, especially considering it contains a modulo operation, eliminate the need and use of this function by simply keeping track of the number of ones as you move along.Main optimization for getting AC on SPOJ — change recursion with memoization to calculating dp with for-loop.
And it need to move out clause
if((mask&(1 << i)) != 0)
on "i" loop level, as Klein mentioned.This code got AC on SPOJ: link to Ideone
Thank you so much Klein and Slamur .