Hi everybody from the ICPC Live team (elizarov, pashka, niyaznigmatul, Egor, lperovskaya and me).
We want to inform you, that broadcast of the World Finals will take place on Wednesday, 20th of May.
The broadcast will be on the two websites (youtube and twitch). The links will be posted tomorrow, but you could subscribe to our channel.
We will have the following schedule:
- 12:00 — broadcast starts
- 13:00-18:00 — contest
- 19:00 — closing ceremony
Don't forget to subscribe on our channels on youtube and on twitch: icpclive1 and icpclive2.
While you wait, on Tuesday, May 19 Dress rehearsal will take place. The broadcast will be available on the youtube channel ICPC Live and on the twitch channel ICPC Live. The idea of this broadcast is to check, if everything is fine, so, please, be nice and report availability or performance issues. We can't guarantee the good broadcast.
Regards, Team ICPC Live
UPD: Read live ICPC Finals text broadcast. http://icpcnews.tumblr.com/post/119424970944/world-finals-live
UPD2: youtube
UPD3: twitch, main screen, twitch, split screen
UPD4: Thanks to alexyz for the link: multitwitch
EDIT: fixed.
Will this be the first Twitch stream where chat won't be cancerous? Find out on the next episode of Dragonball Z!
TIL, CF community doesn't like dank memes.
Don't know if it is a stupid question, but what is Dress Rehearsal? Is it some kind of mini-contest during the WF?
It is contest test run (with other problems, of course) to test all systems (and to teams to get familiar with environment)
Is there a link to the scoreboard anywhere?
could anyone provide a like of the practice problems?
Here are the Practice Problems : http://icpc.baylor.edu/worldfinals/problems/icpc2014.pdf
http://icpc.baylor.edu/scoreboard/ <<Dress Rehearsal scoreboard, i don't know why the scoreboard still frozen :/
Will there be an online mirror any where available on the Internet?
It'll be available in kattis I think. Not sure
Subscribers only mode on Twitch, really?
So what? Maybe you turn it off?
Also, is there any way to disable five annoying banners on the top of ICPC Live Scoreboard?
Please can anyone request the people running the youtube channel to show us the teams coding part instead of just the commentary panel . The teams coding part was really cool to see .
You can see the team's coding if you switch to the "Split screen" in the YouTube webpage
Thank you
is it possible to get a specific camera for some team on the live broadcast ??
Is it possible to offer all screencast's on youtube ?