After my previous post about unordered_map
now I want to explain hash functions.
C++ STL has one hash function in library <functional>
. You can use it for this data types:
template<> struct hash<bool>;
template<> struct hash<char>;
template<> struct hash<signed char>;
template<> struct hash<unsigned char>;
template<> struct hash<char16_t>;
template<> struct hash<char32_t>;
template<> struct hash<wchar_t>;
template<> struct hash<short>;
template<> struct hash<unsigned short>;
template<> struct hash<int>;
template<> struct hash<unsigned int>;
template<> struct hash<long>;
template<> struct hash<long long>;
template<> struct hash<unsigned long>;
template<> struct hash<unsigned long long>;
template<> struct hash<float>;
template<> struct hash<double>;
template<> struct hash<long double>;
For example:
int x=69;
hash<long double>hld;
long double y=69.6969696969;
hash<vector<int> >hv;
vector<int>v({69,69,69,69});//v→ 69,69,69,69
Hand-made hash functions.
There are many ways to create hash function for your struct. For example:
struct reval{
int n;
string s;
size_t hash(){//size_t is alias of unsigned int
hash<long long>hll;
long long ans=hs(s);
return ans;
A simple example:(be careful;it is only a sample and it isn't good hash function of course)
struct reval{
int n;
string s;
size_t hash(){//size_t is alias of unsigned int
return hs(s)+hv(v)+hi(n);
A trick:
struct S{
string first_name;
string last_name;
namespace std{
template<>struct hash<S>{
size_t operator()(S const& s) const{
size_t h1=hash<string>()(s.first_name);
size_t h1=hash<string>()(s.last_name);
return hash<long long>()( (h1<<32)^h2 );
int main(){
S s;
cout <<"hash(s) = "<<hash<S>()(s)<<endl;
Note1: You can use hash<type>()(variable)
, like this:
int x=69;
Instead of:
int x=69;
Note2: please be careful about combining two hashes. There are two good ways:
1-x*P+y mod M
(when P is prime number (like 43) and M is less than 2^32 and not a power of 2 (like 10^9+7)).
2-hash<long long>()((x<<32)^y)
or hash<long long>()(x*1000000007LL+y)
Both x·232 + y and x + y are bad ways to combine hashes.
If you use x·232 + y, the (32-bit) hashes of (x, y) pairs such as (1, 1), (2, 1), ..., (k, 1) will all be equal. As already discussed in your previous post.
If you use x + y, the hashes of (x, y) pairs such as (1, 109), (2, 109 - 1), ..., (109, 1) will all be equal.
Both are rather common cases which can, and will, make your program slow.
For programming contests, when you combine hashes of x and y, some kind of polynomial hashing like
for relatively prime P and Q is usually sufficient. Still, take care when making Q a power of two.
I wrote them in that way for simplify.
Another way is to use
hash<long long>()( (x<<32)^y )
.+post has edited.
Sorry, but some examples are so particularly bad that they are worse than having no example at all.
hash<long long>()
of some mix ofx
approach looks like it might actually be a good one. Still, it surely behaves differently in 32-bit and 64-bit mode, even when there is no undefined behaviour in the mix itself. So, it might be difficult to debug when you compile to 64-bit and the judges test a 32-bit version.template<> struct hash;
o0 That looks rather dangerous :P.
Can you explain it more please?
Zonk. < and > are some HTML thingies and I wrote
but it disappeared xd. From that it is clear, why you wanted me to explain :D.
By previous post I meant that we should never expect doubles to be equal (even if they were initialized by the same hardcoded formula). Hence, we should never expect hashes of doubles to be equal, so it is probably useless in that case. Am I right?
is only useful for exact calculations.define 69 49
what did you mean by this?
which word? if you dont know what define is http://bfy.tw/39Di if you dont know what 69 is http://bfy.tw/Jf6 and if you dont know what 49 is http://bfy.tw/39Dk
I know about #define and 69, but why 49?? I didn't get the point :|
But you yourself showed hashing of vector and string using hash<vector<int>> and hash<string>.
I found out that more template specializations of hash class exist in the namespaces <string>, <memory>, <vector>, <bitset>, <system_error>, <type_index> and <thread> as well. So hash<vector<int>> and hash<string> are defined in the <vector> and <string> namespaces respectively, not in <functional> namespace.
It seems like you are watching POR**UB(because you wrote 69 too many times).
Hash doesn't directly support vector of any data type other than
. If it does thenunordered_map
would be supporting avector as a key
(which unfortunately doesn't).But what about this article, how author uses it?
This is why it is important to read documentation on "something" before jumping in to use that "something". Your code is invalid, not that you can't use hash for vector.
It should look something like this:
cout << hash <vector <bool>>()(vector <bool>(10, false));
Firstly, hash does not take a vector in constructor. So, you need to declare a temporary object and then pass
to use thehash operator()(vector<bool>)
overload.Secondly, I get errors for trying to use
vector <int>
instead. The error:This results into two cases: either the author gave a wrong example or I haven't read more documentation myself. The latter seems to be the issue according to me as I've not read much myself. But, the former may be the case too. Can't tell much unless I read further.