you have a string S and two integers p and q and made a rule that names of the babies should be a substring of S, and the length should be between p and q (inclusive).
Now you are given S, p and q you have to find the number of distinct names that can be made.
Input :
The length of S will be between 2 and 10000 (inclusive) and S contains lowercase English letters only. The next line contains two integer p and q (1 ≤ p ≤ q ≤ length(S)).
output :
For each case, print the case number and the number of distinct names that can be made.
Sample :
2 5
Case 1: 14
I'm new with Suffix array, i already solve DISUBSTR. and here is my code.
i'm asking how i can modified my code to get the above problem AC ?
The idea is pretty much the same as for DISUBSTR with the only exception that you should count only distinct substrings with length between p and q.
My solution: :)
PS: Note that on line 137 it's min(l,q) — letter L but it looks like min(1,q) — digit 1 :)
P_Nyagolov i'm trying to solve the same problem ...
i followed your step .. but then all answer got 0
here is my code
In line 123
if (n - s[i] < A) continue;
It should be
if (n - sa[i] < A) continue;
, I think .what a silly mistake !!!
finally AC :'(
Thanks [user:Nooor][user:-Secta-]