I am a Beginner in Programming competitions...
Please suggests books, materials etc..for me to prepare well for competitions??
Note : I already started studying CLRS... Please suggest how to study all algorithms and Data Structures??
Please suggests books, materials etc..for me to prepare well for competitions??
Note : I already started studying CLRS... Please suggest how to study all algorithms and Data Structures??
1) Do not panic! Do not scream! Do not shout! ;-)
2) You usually need no special knowledge to solve problems A-C in Div2 here, except, sometimes, using built-in or hand-made sorting algorithm (possibly built-in hashed data structures may be convenient too, but it is rarely crucial).
3) So start with trying to improve your powers at these problems on each contest. Try to solve these problems well and try to solve them fast.
4) After each contests meditate over unsolved problems (of both divisions), try to invent solution for them, read editorials and discussions on them.
5) In those discussions and editorials you find a lot of information about necessary algorithms and data structures. Just open google and read info about all you could not understand.
6) After you understand supposed solutions for unsolved problems - just try to implement them.
This is most straightforward and obvious way. You need only google as a provider of extra information - and believe me, it is a powerful source!
I may be wrong, but it seems not well idea for us all to address each other as "sir", "master", "my lord" etc. I suppose that "friend" or "comrade" is more suitable... ;-)