MikeMirzayanov's blog

By MikeMirzayanov, 13 years ago, translation, In English

On January, 27 we summed up the results and rewarded the laureates. They are:

The Best Codeforces Participant 2011

The Best Codeforces Problemsetter 2011

The Best Codeforces Blogger 2011
  • The Best Codeforces Participant 2011: Gennady tourist Korotkyevich. We've recounted the rating taking only the 2011 rounds into consideration. Gennady topped the table well ahead of everybody else! You can follow the link to track his success on Codeforces contests.
  • The Best Codeforces Problem Writer 2011: Artem Ripatti Ripatti. In 2011, Artem prepared about 10 rounds on Codeforces and proved to be an author of interesting problems as well as a responsible partner. We are grateful to Artem for the help to the project and we hope for further collaboration.
  • The Best Codeforces Blogger 2011: Alexander Alex_KPR Kouprin. Alexander's blog (mostly in Russian) frequently delighted readers with interesting posts. His reports on the Russian Code Cup, the ACM-ICPC finals, Petrozavodsk training camp aroused interest not only in regular readers but also attracted some new ones. Thank you!

The Codeforces project thanks all participants and post authors for the interest towards the project. But we want to say our special thanks to all problem authors!


Great news! I've received congratulations to the winners from Thomas Cormen (thank you!). Here is the full text:


My apologies for the delay in responding. It has been an exceptionally busy term for me, teaching our new introductory course in Python (I'm learning the language along with my students), supervising our senior capstone project course, and chairing our department. You may post the following statement on your website:

Congratulations to Gennady "tourist" Korotkyevich (Best Codeforces Participant 2011), Artem Ripatti (Best Codeforces Problem Writer 2011), and Alexander "Alex_KPR" Kouprin (Best Codeforces Blogger 2011). Although Mike Mirzayanov hinted that we might be in for a change this year, I was not too surprised to see that "tourist" took the top participant spot once again. I applaud the winners and everyone else who takes part in Codeforces.

Tom Cormen
Professor and Chair
Dartmouth College Department of Computer Science
Twitter: @thcormen

Here is our announcement of the 2011 medals. For history, so to put it

Happy New Year to everybody!

I am happy to announce that this year we continue the tradition (now we can call it that) of 2010. I mean the annual Codeforces reward --- the Cormen Medal. Let me remind you that a little more than a year ago Thomas Cormen agreed to the idea of this reward.

The Cormen Medal laureates of this year will be announced at the very beginning of January. By the results of the year the medals will be awarded in the following nominations.

  • The Best Codeforces Participant 2011. Yes, we will only take 2011 into consideration. Perhaps, we're in for a surprise?
  • The Best Codeforces Problem Writer 2011. Of course, we are grateful to all authors that write problems for Codeforces for the enormous contribution to the community development. But the medal will be awarded to the one who has made nearly unimaginable work and continuously dazzled us with contests and problems.
  • The Best Codeforces Blogger 2011. We are all glad to read interesting reports, notes and simply ideas expressed by bright people on the Codeforces pages. Here we will point out the contribution of the most active author :)

We give our thanks to all the participants, to contest authors and bloggers for their interest in Codeforces this year. We are one team and we make Codeforces.

Let me remind you that last year Cormen Medal laureates became tourist (Gennady Korotkyevich) in the nominations "The Best Participant 2010" and "The Best School Participant 2010" and natalia (Natalia Bondarenko) in the nomination "The Best Problem Writer 2010".

UPD. We plan to announce winners on the opening ceremony of Petrozavodsk Training Camp on January 27th. Let's wait for that date and congratulate the winners!

Happy New Year,

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13 years ago, # |
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Great news! I've received congratulations to the winners from Thomas Cormen (thank you!). I've added it to the text.