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MiptLited's blog

By MiptLited, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

The seven Moscow International Workshop ACM ICPC 2016 will be organized in collaboration with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, ITMO University and the MSU Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics from November 8 to 18.

This year, due to the tight schedule of the Subregionals, the term of registration is extended until October 24 for participants from Russia and the surrounding countries who don't need time to issue a visa and until October 15 who participants who do need a visa.

Teams now also have an opportunity to participate in the shortened version of the Workshop from November 8 to 15.

Last year, teams from 20 European and Asian countries participated in the Workshop, and the number of new universities that sent teams to the Workshop grows each year. The majority of participating teams not only become ACM ICPC finalists but win medals too: 8 out of 13 medalists of ACM ICPC World Finals 2016 participated in the Fall and Spring Workshops at MIPT.

Registration: goo.gl/yOR1zv Our website: http://it-edu.mipt.ru/en/fall_training_2016 Our email: [email protected]

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