I have noticed that there are a lot of problems whose editorials are unwritten on codechef, some editorials of medium hard problems are not understandable for beginners, many useful blog posts on codeforces are unorganized and scattered throughout. So, will it be a good idea if I start a personal wordpress blog? Also, this seems to be a good way to improve myself and have a good measure of how I improve. Thank you in advance :)
I don't understand what your idea about the blog is. Are you going to write the missing editorials? If yes, then I think it's an awesome idea but it didn't become clear from what you wrote.
Yes, you got it correct :D Also I will write about the topics you don't easily find in the internet. Like, when searching for graphs, you get implementations based on making a struct on node and making it so lengthy. The beginners have problems understanding the "competitive programming" way of implementing things.
Can someone tell me why am I getting downvotes here? :/ A bit confused here...
I would definitely read such a blog :)
I have already made it. Click here for the blog post on codeforces about this :D Will love to have you learn!