There is something to boast. If you count the number of active participants as it TopCoder does (at least one participation in a rated-event in six months), then for Codeforces it is 9389. By the way, TopCoder has a little less, 9380. A trifle, but nice! :)
Distribution by colors:
Color | Number of active |
Grey | 549, 5,84% |
Green | 5189, 55,26% |
Blue | 2011, 21,41% |
Violet | 1108, 11,8% |
Orange | 415, 4,42% |
Red | 117, 1,24% |
and number of unactive contestants on codeforces is 16192-9389=**6803** and on topcoder 15323-9380=**5943**
What? TopCoder have 49'530 contestants which have at least one SRM/another Algorithm round.
...хотя бы одно участие в rated-event за полгода... смотри тут
Yep, smallest number seems to be correct, but I complained to the largest number — it's almost 50'000 instead of 15323.
Oh, nice! And how much contestants who haven't rating? :)