MiptLited's blog

By MiptLited, 8 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everyone!

We're glad to tell you that Moscow International Workshop ACM ICPC will be held at Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology from 7 to 16 of November, 2017. It's a great opportunity for students who want to prepare themselves for the upcoming ACM ICPC season and meet talented programmers from all over the world. The previous camp gathered 28 foreign teams and we surely plan to break this record in the autumn!

The Workshop is held in Dolgoprudny with the support of ITMO University, Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saint-Petersburg State University.

The programme is prepared by Michael Tikhomirov Endagorion, Glev Evstropov GlebsHP and Oleg Snark Christenko, the chief editor of Snarknews.

If you can't attend the whole camp, you can choose a shorten participation from 9 to 16 November. The further information and the cost of participation can be found here. Keep in mind that you need to sign up and fill in the questionnaire before the 1st of November, 2017!

What's more, you сan get to the Workshop for the lower price ($550) if you pay before the 16th of September, 2017. This package includes the academic curriculum, dining, accommodation at the MIPT campus, as well as leisure and sports programs on your days off.

For the further information and the cost of participation you can go here.

Also we have a special offer for dedicated teams: you can participate in the Workshop for free.

While you're thinking about going there or not, you can check the photos or the video from the previous Workshop:

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