Hello! I've been trying to install moj plugin on a topcoder applet in a new environment. The problem is I'm getting Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-2" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.topcoder.client.contestApplet.common.LocalPreferences.removeProperty(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;...
when trying to save preferences of CodeProcessor, at this point:
Pressing the save button doesn't do anything except for raising the exception in the console. Does someone have any information relevant to resolving this issue? Thanks!
At first glance the error looks like a problem with the arena infrastructure rather than with the plugin. Can you post the full stacktrace(s) from the Java console?
Thanks for responding! I will as soon as Topcoder comes back online.
Here you go: https://pastebin.com/QKJPrg87
Unfortunately, the stack trace did not help me understand the issue. It says CodeProcessor code could not find a method in TopCoder's plugin API. This is odd since CodeProcessor has not changed in many years and the arena appears to have last changed in 2014.
I tried to reproduce the problem myself but everything worked for me. Here are the steps I followed:
Does your environment or process obviously differ from the above in some way?
My thoughts exactly.