Please help me to solve this problem.
Given a permutation of 1,2...,N numbers. There are 3 types of queries.
perform K times cyclic shift of the segment [l,r] to the right.
perform K times cyclic shift of the segment [l,r] to the left.
Print which number is at position X in current array.
Size of array N (2 ≤ N ≤ 100 000). Number of queries Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 100 000).
Sample test
You can use Treap or Sqrt-decomposition. To make cyclic shift to right you should put last K elements to the beggining of the segment. You can do it using split operation.
Can be done with implicit treap (if you don't know what that is, go look it up).
Then first query (cyclic shifting to right) can be done as follows:
Obviously the complexity will be
The second operation is equivalent to cyclic shifting to right with R - L + 1 - K.
The last query can be easily done with 2 splits and 2 merges or by simply by traversing the treap.
The overall complexity will be
PS: You can do this with sqrt decomposition (as you can easily perform split/merge with sqrt decomposition). That way the complexity for a cyclic shift will be
and for the query
Thank you for your solution. I guessed that there is a solution with data strucutures. If it's not hard for you, please, could you describe your solution with sqrt decomposition?
My sqrt-decomposition code It's basically maintaining a doubly-linked list in O(sqrtN) time