Hey everyone,
I know that nearly everyone is looking towards China right now, but let's try (like in a previous year) to create a list of IOI 2018 participants.
The list can be found here: http://weaselcrow.com/pro/cf/ioi/18/
How to add or update data? Please fill the following form: https://goo.gl/forms/he4DlrzfKWw35lx73
Wow, I didn't know RockyB is IOI 2018 participant, lol
He is 2019 participant
Romania’s IOI team:
Oncescu Costin-Andrei geniucos
Tatomir Alex atatomir
Constantin-Buliga Stefan fanache99
Musat Tiberiu Tiberiu
I’ll upload the team via the system as well but figured that it’s better to post it here so that the blog will appear in the recent actions section and people would remember of the existence of this blog. I advise the other guys to do the same
And this way is much more fun to see, too
I hope that there won't be a ton of predictions of another Chinese guy getting the champion as it was last year.
Put some sugar on it, too salty.
It's funny how criticizing any comment that has lots of downvotes will always give people free upvotes.
It's funny how a person like you posts these stupid and useless comments.
Please explain how your post is less "stupid" and "useless" than mine. And how your comment itself doesn't fall into the category of the type I described above.
Simple explanation: his comment states an evident fact, your comment is a childish cry for attention over a failure for 32809238049329-th time.
Just think about how little intellect you need to comment something like that and how you just typed a random number like a monkey and yet ironically and much to the point of my comment, it still gets so many upvotes.
Wait, what was the point of your comment? Criticizing downvoted comments gives you upvotes? In other words, if people disagree with something, then they are likely to agree with the opposite. Seems like an adequate point to make.
The reason you get downvoted and those making fun of you get upvoted is that many people are tired of you complaining whenever you fail a competition (even a year later, apparently). You also seem to lack a sense of humour. Stop over-dramatizing everything and move on, for everyone's sake.
I sort of agree on the complaining part. I indeed complained too much on Codeforces(I mean I wasn't wrong to complain, but this is not a good place to do it). And I would stop complaining(and probably I already did to some extent, you judge) in the future. However, I didn't and at least I didn't mean to complain in my original comment. I don't think that's the reason why I get downvotes. Is it that I shouldn't have written the comment so that it would sound humorous and that everybody would know I was just making a joke?
Even if so, I don't think it's reason to offend the another guy. It's unpleasantly and disgustingly for me to read this branch, honestly saying.
I would stop complaining(and probably I already did to some extent, you judge)
What do you call your main comment!!!
Do you really think that's complaining?
Well that's what you think
But you are trying to make yourself look better than other IOI 2017 contestant.
I feel people should stop being rude with matthew99 — it's not funny to see him being downvoted for some negative things he may sometimes say, while everyone else gets +100 on posts which do no more than bully him.
This is not how a strong community is meant to work.
And where were you when I got bullied
He is giving his views which is unpopular, and therefore is downvoted. While you on the other hand, were offending and bullying everyone, not the other way round. At least recently it seems like you have changed, so thank you for that.
So true.
This concept is called roasting, the best thing you can do is to relax and laugh at your stupidity
You just described your own comment.
Downvotes are there to remind us we're doing something wrong not to do it over and over again.
I'm sorry, but I wrote that comment to remind some people that they aren't doing something they should be proud of instead of asking them to do it over and over again.
I don't think what Dark_chocolate said is polite. matthew99's view is quite different, but we should respect him.
Nice I wanna try it, guys up-vote me please to prove it :D
You can't really stop anyone from making any predictions for the IOI (or other contests) so the best way to not feel pressured because of it is to just ignore these predictions yourself.
I predict China team will win with 4 gold medals !!!!! =3=
You should be busy studying at MIT instead of arguing here :))
I don't know how/if it's possible to edit this, but attempts left for Slovaks should be: Jozef Fülöp 2, Ondrej Baranovič 1.
You can fill the form again, but I already added this. Thanks!
Egypt's IOI team:
Mahmoud Badawy: mahmoudbadawy
Mohamed Ehab: mohammedehab2002
Mohamed Otify: Darksinian
Mahmoud Adel: BL7A.
For India, the information is wrong. RestingRajarshi is not in the team. The final team is
Adhyyan R Sekhsaria AsleepAdhyyan
Choudhury Istasis Mishra ista2000
Mohammad Zaid zetapi
Ramchandra Kishor Apte ramchandra
Indiam team with experts?
Did you have higher expectations or lower? xD
Ofc higher expectations.
Who is the reserve member?
I should be asking this to you. You are the reserve member right?
I don't think there are any reserve members this year. No one in the team has any legal issues.
Congrats Istasish da for IOI selection :)
Congrats for getting into the Indian team!! I hope you all will win medals
What's up with the downvotes? Nurlykhan confirmed this.
Is it official?
Bangladesh team is not decided yet. But I am sure that RezwanArefin01 will surely make the team. He will make us proud in the IOI.
What the fuck bro. -_-
Did something happen? Ratings and colours aren't available anymore.
Delete my registration with 2 attempts.
Vietnam's IOI team (according to unofficial APIO result):
Nhat Hoang Xuan (FallingStar)
Minh Nguyen Hoang Hai (mink_ank_loves_me)
Khanh Nguyen (ngkan)
Thang Pham Duc (AomeII)
You should tag Nevir's main handle, no reason to hide it :)
I didn't know that he has a main handle. Edited.
Good Luck ))
Syria's team:
repeating Fadi Younes, 2nd participation, no medal
XmtosX Ahmad Haidar, 1st participation
tamtam Tamer Emad, 1st participation
Bug Moahmmad Dwik, 4th participation, no medal
Malaysia's IOI team:
Yeoh Zi Song zscoder
Tan Wei Xin duckmoon99
Tan Jia Qing hh-2013080
Lee Jia Jun 2xJelly
How many attempt does zscoder have left?
at most 4 attempts as he is 16 in July(but 17 this year). But as Malaysian usually go to university at 19, he will probably only attempt 3 more times.
Our country hasn't yet choosed the participants of IOI 2018, but my name is in the list. I don't know who added me and there is no option to remove data. So can you please help me?
UPD: I see I am no longer in the list. Thanks a lot)
You should work as hard as you can, to make this list true :)
Canadian IOI Team 2018:
Joey Yu (kobortor, grade 12, 0 tries left, 1 participation in 2017 with no medal)
Peter Zhou (duality, grade 8, 4 tries left, no previous IOI) //This is not a typo, he is really grade 8!
Victor Rong (r3mark, grade 11, 1 try left, no previous IOI)
Ava Pun (AvaLovelace, grade 11, 1 try left, no previous IOI)
Some of my sidenotes about the team below:
This year the Canadian IOI Qualifier (Canadian Computing Olympiad, aka CCO) had quite an upset. A person who won gold at IOI last year failed to qualify this year, while I got 1st place no medal at IOI last year and came out ahead of him.
In addition, 3/4 of the Canadian team doesn't really use codeforces, but they are all active on the main Canadian Competitive Programming site "Don Mills Online Judge (DMOJ)", which I'm sure many of you are familiar with.
Lastly, if you guys are curious about the scores at CCO, I have posted the unofficial results of the CCO on my website over at kobortor.com. (Excuse the shoddy website "design", this was put together in a hurry)
:'( imaxblue
On the bright side, this means that Canada will get 4 gold this year, since they're all better than me ;). Everyone has their bad days. (and bad nights, 2h sleep before the contest).
Outline of tasks:
d1p1: trivial dp task
d1p2: Basically "hacking" on cf. Output only, write a case so that the given code fails.
Draw a graph by hand and copy it into your program.
d1p3: There are n+1 rooms in a row. You can travel between room i and i+1 if there are ai people in room i or bi people in room i+1, not including the person travelling. How many people can you place in all the rooms such that room 0 is unreachable?
A really nice problem in hindsight. Easy to miss a case on the dp.
d2p1: binary search task with minor optimization for last subtask
d2p2: You are given A. At each operation, Ai is changed to a new value x. After each operation, find the maximum sum of two elements in A whose indices are no more than k apart, where k is a constant given at the beginning of input.
Clean data structures if you took more than 10 minutes to think about it, horrible data structures if you didn't. Hint: online is not enforced.
d2p3: Given an array A and B, transform A into B using the following operation: Take an interval [l, r] and swap the maximum and minimum elements in the interval.
very nice solution in theory. It's only nice in theory.
Where can I find the problem statements?
And is there a possibility to do a virtual competition?
I don’t think there is a way to do so, but I have posted the problem statements in response to the other person’s comment.
Thank you
Mirrors are now up on DMOJ.
Day 1
Day 2
Thank you
I have a question about DMOJ. How is it possible that 109 pretty simple operations exceeded 8 seconds time limit (Complexity O(n * q) where n ≤ 104 and q ≤ 105). I am almost certain that this should fit in this time limit.
Some contestants tried submitting such an approach during the official contest and it still TLEd on the official site, with significantly faster judges than DMOJ (at least twice as fast).
You can find them here
The Indian IOI selection was also quite an upset. A person who went to IOI last year didn't make it to the team. A person who was expected gold or atleast a silver (not kidding) also didn't make it to the team. I came 5th. Also problems were pretty different from normal problems that come in IOI or even in previous TSTs. Most problems only had 1 subtask.
The problems were not different, the problemset was. The problems in themselves were pretty good in my opinion, they just weren't diversified in terms of topics.
Tajikistan’s IOI-team:
Team Finland:
Georgian team:
Giorgi Kldiashvili octopuses (4th participation, 2017,2016- silver; 2015- bronze)
Nikoloz Birkadze bruhh (2nd participation, 2017- silver)
Aleksandre Khokhiashvili khokho (2nd participation, 2017- no medal)
Vano Gamezardashvili vanogam (1st participation)
Japanese IOI Team
IOI 2018 will be held in Tsukuba, Japan. Since this, Japan can send 2 teams to IOI 2018, one is official and another one is unofficial.
Spring camp of Japanese Olympiad in Informatics(JOI) held from March 19th to Marth 25th. Japanese IOI teams determined based on the results of spring camp.
Congrats on making it! Will the problem statements of the JOI problems (in English) be available online?
They are already available in oj.uz (Spring Camp / Final Round)
I'll add some information of past IOI results and how many attempts left.
- All 8 participants from Japan is, surprisingly, first participation of IOI.
- All Japan 1 participants except Kmcode (which is 1 tries left) is the last chance of IOI. But in contrast, all Japan 2 participants except Pulmn (which is the last chance) is 2 more tries left.
Team Korea:
Coach : ko_osaga leecs0503
Russian team:
300iq :(
In Russia you need 400iq.
qoo2p5 :(
Denisson :(
Petr :(
Too old my friend. :)
Where can I get qualification problems with English translation?
Team Bangladesh:
Tasmeem Bruteforceman Reza (2016, 2017 bronze, 2 attempts left)
Ruhan ruhan.habib39 Habib (2016 bronze, 2017 bronze, 1 attempt left)
Rezwan RezwanArefin01 Arefin (first participation, 2 attempts left)
Mamnoon TheeLooser Siam (first participation, 3 attempts left)
Team Mexico
The Dutch IOI team:
Arend FLDutchman Mellendijk
Robert matnakash Koprinkov
Ernest ernestvw van Wijland
Reijer Raynius van Harten
Indonesian IOI team:
While AMnu can also still participate in IOI 2019, IOI 2018 is the final IOI chance for the rest of the team.
this is ahmad haulian yoga's real account YogayogayoG
CommonAnts almost won in CTSC2018.Sorry about that.
USA Team is being announced right now:
why on different messages though?
Going for the contribution grab obviously!
Thank you!
Serbian's IOI team:
The Philippine team:
Congrats cj :)
Bulgaria team:
Viktor Terziev — 0 attempts left (Viktor_Terziev)
Radoslav Dimitrov — 1 attempt left (radoslav11)
Martin Kopchev — 4 attempts left (Martin53)
Aleksandar Krastev — 1 attempt left (perchema)
P_Nyagolov :(
Uzbekistan's IOI team:
Israel's Team:
Announcing Team Australia:
What does Year 12 mean ?
Probably 12th grade
Ukraine team:
Why the fuck is this getting downvoted?
might be because he is australian
It could be he that just knows how to use search... https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/59999
For people who like me does Ctrl+F name of country : Ukraine is in hidden comment
Jordanian IOI Team :
Khaleel Al-Adhami Adhami
Muhanad Alwarareh Warawreh
Ahmad Naser Bnahmad15
Mohammad AlKilani Az3ar
Dominican Republic Team:
Belarus IOI team:
Alexander Kernozhitsky gepardo (0 attempts left, silver at IOI 2017)
Andrey Nekrashevich xolm (0 attempts left)
Mark Kornejchik markysha (0 attempts left)
Stanislav Titenok austrian_artist (0 attemps left)
Bosnia and Herzegovina team:
Muamer Paric Miminyte500
Drago Šmitran God_Ra
Stevo Mitrić stEvo
Vladan Cvjetković cvele
Belgian IOI team:
Let's hope Belgium will be as impressive at IOI as they are at the FIFA World Cup. :)
Oh well. Looks like France will beat us at IOI. :D
Good luck Arturgo, webalorn, etiennerossignol, vdng9338!
Tunisia's IOI team:
Nader Jemel nader
Rafik Hachana RafikHachana
Aya Ben Saad AyaBenSaad
Omar Besbes amiratou
I wish everyone the best of luck <3
Bolivian Team
Armenian IOI team:
Macedonian IOI Team:
All IOI teams:
Codeforces handles coming up at a later point.
Awesome! I've updated my list as well.
Japan second team got added, since it isn't present at the moment in the registration system. This data is still originating from official sources. Thanks to square1001 for pointing this situation out to me.
Also note, that the data may still have small changes -- I'll keep monitoring registration system at a slower pace and pulling any updates necessary.