On 23rd june codeforces round is colliding with a rated contest in codechef. On 30th june again another codeforces contest is colliding with codechef lunchtime. Is it possible that the timings might be slightly changed that they don't collide? I'm sure many participants would like to give both contests and don't want to choose between the 2 especially since it is summer vacation and most of us has lot of free time.
upd: So the issue has been resolved 23rd codechef contest will be shifted by a day. 30th codeforces contest time will be adjusted.
Why not take part in one contest, and then for yourself to solve tasks in another contest unrated? And why exactly should the codeforces step back before codechef?
I never said codechef should back or codeforces I've posted this blog so that it can be resolved so that it'll be helpful for everyone. besides what's wrong if codeforces backs if that's going to help people learn.
right, everybody has summer vacation right now
I guess 23rd June collision is CodeChef's fault since CodeForces posted their contest earlier (if I am not mistaken).
Regarding 30th June, I guess CodeForces should move its contest because CodeChef schedule for its 3 main contests is fixed (and I don't think they will be changing the timing)
Auto comment: topic has been updated by GooglerPraveen (previous revision, new revision, compare).
The 23rd contest on codechef will be shifted by a day. codeforces contest on 30th time will changed in order to not have a conflict.So the issue has been resolved. so cheers.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by GooglerPraveen (previous revision, new revision, compare).