kostka's blog

By kostka, 7 years ago, In English

CEOI 2018 is now a part of history!

Task statements, test data, model solutions, translations and some slides with solutions can be found at https://ceoi2018.pl/tasks/

We have two winners of CEOI 2018: Costin-Andrei geniucos Oncescu from Romania and Mariusz zdolna_kaczka Trela from Poland. Congratulations! Full scoreboard can be found at https://ceoi2018.pl/results/

The problems were added on Szkopuł and can be solved there (unfortunately, right now only in C/C++): https://szkopul.edu.pl/p/default/problemset_eng/ceoi/2018

We uploaded some photos to our Facebook fanpage: http://fb.com/ceoi2018

And finally, CEOI 2019 will take place in Bratislava, Slovakia!

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