Hi, codeforces!
I tried to find tasks that can be solved without reading all of input data. I found this 2:
Maybe someone know more tasks on codeforces that don`t require reading all of input?
Edit. My 2 + added in comments tasks:
1028B - Неестественные условия -|- 1004B - Соня и выставка -|- 869A - Художественное занятие -|- 630A - Опять двадцать пять! -|- 100812K - Меч и магия -|- 100625F - Flying Safely -|- 765A - Слишком много контестов -|- 296A - Ярослав и перестановки -|- 659D - Велосипедная гонка
Here is one more: 869A - The Artful Expedient
Thanks a lot)
100625F - Flying Safely is another one.
630A - Again Twenty Five!
Thanks a lot!
100812K - Might and Magic
ROFL that 1 test task
Not a glorious task to be present in a contest. I would get it ACed after 5 mins, but that's because I know it. There's basically no way to solve it not knowing it beforehand. However the problem itself is great.
LOL. What about
start bruteforce, wait for some minutes, encode the answer so that it fit into source limit?
I did not know it before hand, wrote brute force with some break and got AC in ~ 30 mins :D.
There is a straightforwardish way to actually solve this. (Maybe not under time pressure, though.)
1004B - Sonya and Exhibition
Thanks, I know about this one)
765A - Neverending competitions
Thanks, one more)
296A — Yaroslav and Permutations
How can you solve that without reading all input? The following 2 test cases have different results:
(answer is YES)
(answer is NO)
Meaning you have to read the last number(all of input) to derive the answer.
I don't know. In your test case we must read all of input. But there are a lot of tests that don`t require read all of input. So, I think it's ok
reeWorld Can you edit the post with the added commented problems to help when the comment section become longer, please?
Ok, I try (done)
Auto comment: topic has been updated by reeWorld (previous revision, new revision, compare).
659D - Bicycle Race
Wow, even task D, thanks a lot!!!
Does this one fit ?
Problem: Currency System in Geraldion
Solution: 47446140
Your code is definitely reading the input
Also, the answer depends on input
The text in the blog reads "tasks that can be solved without reading all of input data" and the problem can be solved on many test cases without reading all input numbers. So, I thought this might fit.
430A - Points and Segments (easy)
301C - Yaroslav and Algorithm / 302E - Yaroslav and Algorithm.
My submission: 51911856
Yeah, you people may downvote. I'm sorry for necroposting on a post that may not be useful at all for the community (I thought it'll somehow be. But now after thinking about it, I realize it's almost useless). I'll try to be more sensible from the next time while necroposting on an old post.
102133G - Moore's Law