I'm using mingw, gcc --version
gives 5.3.0 on my windows 10 desktop. When I add the lines
#include <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp>
#include <ext/pb_ds/tree_policy.hpp>
and compile, it says
c:\mingw\lib\gcc\mingw32\5.3.0\include\c++\ext\pb_ds\hash_policy.hpp:610:78: fatal error: ext/pb_ds/detail/resize_policy/hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
I don't remember what it says on mac but it also doesn't work there. (I think mac is gcc 4.8 installed through homebrew.)
In the past I just used ubuntu vm to use the library, lol. But it is a bit of an annoyance.
Any tips?
You need to compile with gnu(https://gcc.gnu.org/). If you need only for codeforces, you can simply add this snippet to your code when you need to use unordered_map. I think this is the simplest solution.
Installation instructions on gcc website are super complicated. Is the only way to test locally the VM solution?
Just had a doubt, can you please tell how to declare the variables of PBDS type ?
So I finally managed to do this in a better way on Windows. I used Windows Subsystem for Linux (the Ubuntu version), and now I test locally with no hassles, plus I can use unix commands.
In short, what you do is: you go to Windows settings, activate Windows Subsystem for Linux, then download whatever flavor you want from the Windows Store. Then just run that application, wait for it to install, install gcc, and you're done. Just navigate to
to actually access your files on Windows and compile them. Then you'll be able to use these libraries with 0 issues.I have MinGW-G++ 6.3.0. There was the file named "hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp0000644" in my case. I had success when renamed it to match the name of the missing one. Other way is to paste contents of "hash_policy.hpp" and replace the missing include with the contents of "hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp0000644". In the end it looks like this (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zn8MFYPxtv/).
Thank you. Renaming has worked for me.
Thanks <3 Renaming works for me.
It worked.
Thanks a lot, renaming worked for me too.... :)
Thanks a lot! This should be upvoted XDD
Thanks a lot, man!!! Renaming worked. :)
IT worked .. i just replaced the file with hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp and it worked. thanks
Thanks a lot. It worked:-)
Renaming worked like a charm, I just renamed the file mentioned to hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp and it worked. Thanks a lot
This method worked for me
steps: ( for windows )
find MinGW folder in C drive ( or where you have installed it)
search this string hash_standard_resize_policy_imp.hpp0000644 in search-bar of this folder
rename by removing the numeric suffix from .hppXXXX to .hpp only
save and run it
Have a good day!!!
ty worked for me
Thanks! This works
Also the detailed path for this file in windows from the mingw64 folder is
Thanks a ton. It Worked Even after 6 years
for MacOS:
brew install gcc
is good enoughqingczha for macos <ext/pb_ds/assoc_container.hpp> worked fine for you after installing gcc or you did some extra steps, I did so many tries and added missing files but still doesn't work, I get so many random errors related to syntax in some files.
even brew gcc does not recognise it. it also throws up error
screenshot your gcc version and the command used to complie
Actually installing with brew works, but the command is not
, being the 'v' the gcc version installed (in my case isg++-9
). It seems thatg++
is a reserved command or something on MacOS, but using an alias is possible to change the command fromg++-v
in the .bash_profile, check this link.you are a life saver man!!
I think you have to specify the version of the GCC you are downloading. In my case
"brew install gcc@10" worked for me. If I remember correctly it didn't work when I downloaded it by "brew install gcc"
Can anyone please suggest a solution to this for windows??
Stop using Windows.
CP_Sucks's solution here worked perfect: https://codeforces.net/blog/entry/69409
Has anyone used pbds in visual studio on windows ?if yes, how?
Won't work. Visual Studio has a separate compiler. PBDS are extensions specific to g++ compiler. Install WSL and use the WSL terminal for compiling. Works nicely with VS Code (VS Code is NOT Visual Studio).
Maybe you should try a newer version of gcc?
it seems does not work with the latest version of VSCode? I can include bits/stdc++.h but it can not recognize pbds headers. Any hints?
Might depend on your C++ compiler, but can you check if this file folder exists:
If not, go here https://github.com/gcc-mirror/gcc/tree/master/libstdc++-v3/include/ext/pb_ds, download it (using GitZip or something to get only that folder), make the folder ext in C:\MinGW\include, and copy pb_ds in. It should work after that.
(FOR WINDOW USERS) : Window users might face problem importing pbds library . To fix it follow the following steps:
I have MinGW-G++ 6.3.0. and I used these steps, it worked for me.