Please find my solution at :
The algorithm I am following is this,
for each student, find out how many student have more chocolates than him, by adding l[i] and r[i].
This basically gives the standard competition ranking. see[1].
Next step is I am simply verifying if the ranking I am getting is a standard competition ranking.
And chocolate distribution is (n-rank[i])
My solution is failing on test case 6. And I am not able to download the whole test case( it is big).
Any body will be kind enough to point out what I am doing wrong ?
Firstly think about it — then why are they giving you the number to the left and to the right ? So it is obviously that the positioning matters. I can't find a counter example, but i think that this solution won't work. (it's not about a bug in the code)
try this
I got an AC using this logic. You might be missing the case where you check for duplicates. Check out my code here