As I wrote into a comment, last round we are faced with a strong DDOS-attack which ruined the competition. I don't know who did it, I also don't know reasons to do it. I'm very upset about the situation and ready to make an effort to be prepared for such issues.
I spend a lot of time to be ready for such incidents.
Here are steps you need to do to be ready for unexpected failures:
- Join our telegram channel by the link https://t.me/codeforces_official to read urgent news.
- Be sure that you know the password of your Codeforces account. If you don't remember it, just use the password recovery feature. Please, do it right now.
- I've implemented a minimalistic website for replacing the main site in case of emergencies. Now you can only read problems, view your submissions (without any details), submit codes. Probably, later I'll add some more features, but anyway, the minimalistic version will have only vital features to take part in a contest. I've deployed it in several places, you can visit any of them by the links: http://m1.codeforces.com, http://m2.codeforces.com, http://m3.codeforces.com. If any of them is unavailable, just use another. Do not use them if the main website is alive.
UPD: Now you can enter minimalistic websites without a password. In this case, an email with a secret enter link will be sent to you.
thank you
came to give div2 after a long time. All the best! guys.
My username and passsord does not let me login to m1.codeforces.com :(
same for m3 too
I've just tried and entered successfully m3
+1. I tried with m2
I have successfully logged in m2
I'm working on it, thanks. Anyone logged in?
I managed to login to m1.codeforces.com
I have on m1 an m2.
Working fine for me.
I am, works on all three.
Yes, on all three.
Works well on all 3 sites.
Yes. Successfully logged in all 3 of them. :)
Yes, works well on all 3
It worked well , thanks
All 3 just fine
it works on all 3 sites for me
for me too
m1 works for me
I've fixed the issue.
Thanks Dad
I guess you mean dude...
My username/password don't work on the minimalistic sites. I just logged into the main site as well. Am I missing something?
No wonder it was really strange just now.. I can't submit my code.. Well, don't be upset, we all will support codeforces WHENEVER.
I am just watching how fast this post is getting upvotes .. :D
What is DDOS?
DDOS generaly, attack to the server with using a lot of PC and count's of requests
удаленный доступ
little students ddosing cf triggered
Login not working on minimal sites. Saying, Invalid handleOrEmail/email or password.
Worked on all three now.
Great! Thank you very much.
Hard work much appreciated. (Y)
this is why codeforces is great.
have a solution for every problem.
LooOoOoOOoOOoL. Solution to every problem? What about solving the problems with cheaters?
You are right. Codeforces is not great because it don't have any solution to stop you from LooOoOoOOoOOoL LMAO everyone.
That's awesome :) Thanks for your work.
What doesn't kill us makes us stronger!
Mind boundary conditions. How limbs amputation and random lobotomy would make you stronger?
I have logged in successfully, but I can't enter the contest
Login works good.
MikeMirzayanov Does hacking work in these sites?
Can I help in security Issues ?
what should I do if I am logged with VK(so I have no password)?
Use forgot password feature.
It just openes my profile
Можно на русском?
I used to use gmail login, just changed password and it says "Invalid handleOrEmail/email or password" on the back up website :/
MikeMirzayanov, I'm just asking, have you ever considered some protections like cloudflare for Ddos attacks?
Yes, but in Russia most CloudFlare IP-addresses are blocked. It can't be the only solution.
Why CloudFlare is blocked in your country?
But why not something like StormWall? It is probably is not blocked in Russia.
Well I think there will have some protection service in Russia instead if they block CloudFlare. Or, why don't you give CloudFlare a try, MikeMirzayanov? It's most, not all ;)
please donate me ^^
Hackers VS Codeforces
I was able to login with my username, but not with email.
Thank you for your great job.
There is a reliable information that DDOS attack was organized by a Russian-speaking schoolboy (we don't publish his name), who was losing the TechnoCup Round 3, estimated that he has no chances to qualify to the next stage of TechnoCup and bought a DDOS attack to turn the site down and get one more chance in the additional round.
Good for him that Mike is probably not going to react or respond to any comments of Samarskie Trolli ever
That is because all of those comments are written by Mike himself.
it's all conspiracy...
No Mr duck, the DDOS attack was made by the organization, I'm trying to break the convergence to stop the organization ambitions
Have you obtained the IBN 5100, Mr Hououin Kyouma?
What if it was the author of codeforc.es?
the hacker who did it must be failed in algorithms and data structures in college and hate them :D
Hello, MikeMirzayanov. Don't you think it would be great to make this sites available during all contests, not just when there are problems, like today, when there is a competition, which is not available in m1.codeforces.com. It could help users with bad internet connection and as for me, I think I would use it to read statements and make submissions because as I see it works faster than main site.
Be sure that you know the password of your Codeforces account. If you don't remember it, just use the password recovery feature. Please, do it right now.
I've implemented a minimalistic website for replacing the main site in case of emergencies.
There is an unreliable information that MikeMirzayanov's account was hacked.
In this world you can not trust anyone
And also the hackers stole my face
Photoshop, obviously
Oh no! They kidnapped Mike!
Is that Dr. Bill Poucher?
This is not very convincing, please upload a photo with a newspaper for 23 Nov 2018.
this, indeed, is super amusing...
We all with you Mike
Will this post be in Russian. I hope to it
Thank you for the new system, there more faster loading conditions and sending solutions))
Thank MikeMizayanov for your effort. I guess someone do it to avoid huge rating loss. hope my guess is not ture but if it is then it's a such shame for our sports programmer community that we have such a cheep mind between us.
Thank MikeMirzayanov trying to protect our studying places. I experience the DDOS-attack last round.And last year someone attack an Chinese OJ --Universal OJ.These websites all help us to develop our program skills. It's so hard understand why the hacker do this.
Mike is the ultimate sysadmin https://xkcd.com/705/
We don't deserve you, Mike.
We were together in good times and will be together in bad times.
Thank you for your strive <3
I am not familiar with all these attacks etc, but can these three mirrors be ddosed as well? If yes, is ddosing all four of them significantly harder than ddosing codeforces alone?
If it can serve more requests per second, it will be harder to DDOS = the DDOSer has to pay more, so it's a good deterrent. I don't know about the capabilities of those sites, but the number of issued requests when loading them is much smaller than for default CF (a good way to see requests is just throwing the site into archive.fo).
Compilation Error: "Дверь" not found in line 3.
Programing Language: "русский язык"
I'm still logon in m1 after changing my password.
MikeMirzayanov, please take a look at this problem.
Some people just do this because they can. I'm afraid creating m1, m2 and m3 won't solve the problem. The attacker only needs to add them into the attack target list to ruin them.
Thank you!
Is there any reason to show
Please, read the post
alert in groups with specific domain (even for users defined only for this domain)? Main site can be blocked by local network, so it will just create broken link.Check https://example.contest.codeforces.com/
That green PopUp makes me nervous, I read the post about 10 times
just press the X my dude
Thank you!
Now you can enter minimalistic websites without a password. In this case, an email with a secret enter link will be sent to you.
ah sh*t , here we go again
Things are getting better, buddy.
yeah totally i was just joking i was participating in m2.codeforces which worked almost 95% of the time for me