n0tred's blog

By n0tred, history, 6 years ago, In English

How to efficiently calculate the value of $$$ \frac{3^{n}-1}{2} $$$ modulo an even number $$$ p $$$, when the bound on $$$ n $$$ is up to $$$ 10^{18} $$$ and $$$ p $$$ is up to $$$ 10^9 $$$?

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6 years ago, # |
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is odd,

$$$\dfrac{3^n-1}{2} mod \: 2^k $$$

is odd, else it is even.

6 years ago, # |
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If $$$ka = kb \text{ (mod } km)$$$, then $$$a = b \text{ (mod } m)$$$.

Thus, you can compute $$$x \text{ (mod } 2p)$$$ and then divide by 2 to get $$$x/2 \text{ (mod } p)$$$ (in this example, $$$x = 3^n-1$$$).