MiptLited's blog

By MiptLited, 6 years ago, translation, In English

It is a very rare situation at IOI. It happened at IOI-2012 in Montichiari in Italy for the last time.

  • Ildar Gainullin (11th grade of the Lyceum named after N. And. Lobachevsky, Kazan Federal University)
  • Alexander Morozov (graduate of the Presidential physics and mathematics Lyceum № 239, St. Petersburg)
  • Vladimir Romanov (graduate of Moscow state University Specialized educational and scientific center)
  • Egor Lifar (10th grade Intellectual school, Moscow)

Russian team took the first place in the medal standings and second — in points am ong 88 countries (more than 330 students participated in the Olympiad).

The selection and training of the national team was held at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology second year in a row. Trainers from MIPT, University ITMO, National Research Lobachevsky State University, Moscow State University, Higher School of Economics and Moscow Workshops ICPC trainers worked with participants.

On February 19, students who participated in IOI 2019 and represented 9 countries were trained for the International Olympiad in the anniversary Moscow Workshops Juniors.

Russian delegation members congratulate the winners: - Andrey Stankevich (team leader) - Alexey Maleev (deputy leader) - Mikhail Tikhomirov - Gleb Evstropov - Max Akhmedov - Elena Andreeva - Alexey Khabibullin - Maria Milshina

The MIPT trip was supported by the MIPT Endowment Fund.

Results SnarkNews on IOI-2019

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6 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +8 Vote: I do not like it

Russian coders are quite something

6 years ago, # |
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6 years ago, # |
Rev. 3   Vote: I like it -14 Vote: I do not like it

Someone here does not understand what preliminary results mean.