Just today I took part in a virtual contest and I came across a question in which I had to use the Java equivalent of C++'s lower_bound() which searches in a given range in a sorted array (of integers, say),for the first element which is not less than a given value.
For example, suppose we have array A[] = { 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 }. Now in C++, lower_bound(A, A+5, 4) returns the index of 5 because it is the first element in the given range( here the entire array ) which is not less than the given value ( which is 4).
If there is a Java equivalent of the above function that can be used in arrays, what is it? The last thing I want to do is hard code this function every time I need to use it.
Thanks in advance for any pointers!
Is's java.util.Arrays.binarySearch()
Should've paid more attention to the return value part! Thank you!
There is some difference between this methods:
If the array contains multiple elements with the specified value java does not guarantee which one will be found
lower_bound finds first element in this case
I think therefore, the best option is to write my own function. Doesn't take much time and safe to use. Am I right or wrong?
Btw, thanks for pointing that out!