There are 4 arrays of A, B, C, D of size N, we have to find
max( | A[i]-A[j] | + | B[i]-B[j] | + | C[i]-C[j] | + | D[i]-D[j] | + | i-j |)
where 1<=i<j<=n ; 1<N<=10^5; 1<=A[i],B[i],C[i],D[i]<=10^9
sample input :
5 7 6 3 9
7 9 2 7 5
1 9 9 3 3
8 4 1 10 5
sample output : 24
can you provide link to the problem?
I don't have the link, sorry
Your problem is an extension of an Interview problem.
You are given an array of N integers. Return maximum value of |A[i] - A[j]| + |i - j| for all 1 ≤ i, j ≤ N.
in O(n) time complexity link to the problemYou should first try this problem and then come back to your problem. It will help.
It seems all A[i] are positive, is there an upper limit?