OSt's blog

By OSt, 12 years ago, translation, In English


Today released a new version of my the service for defrosting contest standings — S4RiS StanD.

Main updates:

  • New design of load page and monitor page. In the first case, I made the load page more pleasant to look at, the monitor I tried to find a more vibrant and contrasting colors, remove the green background :-).

  • Fixed a bug with the defrost very rare situation in the monitor. Thanks to Dovier Ripoll Méndez, (Caribbean ACM-ICPC Regional Contest Director) for note.

  • Add new active button "B" — move down current row.

  • Minor changes logic of "defrosting". Now, after the current line has been completely "defrosted" moving to the next immediately above does not happen, that was clear when awarding — who is now awarded.
  • Some outer scripts was updated (jQuery libs).

Demo site and distributive were updated.

The plan is to add normal "adaptive" layout for different resolutions.

If you have any suggestions or you found a bug — write to me!

Thank you for using this service!

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