Hello good people. I am struggling with mind fast solving . How can I practice to increase mind fast solving skill ?
# | User | Rating |
1 | tourist | 3857 |
2 | jiangly | 3747 |
3 | orzdevinwang | 3706 |
4 | jqdai0815 | 3682 |
5 | ksun48 | 3591 |
6 | gamegame | 3477 |
7 | Benq | 3468 |
8 | Radewoosh | 3463 |
9 | ecnerwala | 3451 |
10 | heuristica | 3431 |
# | User | Contrib. |
1 | cry | 165 |
2 | -is-this-fft- | 161 |
3 | Qingyu | 160 |
4 | Dominater069 | 158 |
5 | atcoder_official | 157 |
6 | adamant | 155 |
7 | Um_nik | 151 |
7 | djm03178 | 151 |
9 | luogu_official | 149 |
10 | awoo | 148 |
Hello good people. I am struggling with mind fast solving . How can I practice to increase mind fast solving skill ?
Name |
One idea is to try to guess the answer by looking at pretests! It helps because sometimes it's hard to figure out what the solution is! As an example in this problem, it might be hard to answer the question directly, but when you look at the pretests, you can guess that the answer would be ⌈ n / 2 ⌉ ...
So you say don't solve problem, only guess it...
Keep doing this
I hope you understand English. I said "One idea" at the beginning!
OK, keep protect your "IDEA" , I hope you are using this idea.
Well, do you have an idea for fast solving except for practicing?
Why practicing isn't enough? I think there is no reason to find any idea except for practicing
So if you don't have an idea you'd be better to STFU... people who have new and different ideas should talk!
I'm trying to show right way, but you are keep defend your illogical idea...
So you should keep your idea to your self and help people to this way
What is wrong with my idea?
Guessing isn't right way, it is only up to luck. If you don't prove your solution,It means you didn't solve problem.
That's why I called this question old-fashion...
It's not called guessing, it's modeling.
output1 = input1 / 2 output2 = input2 / 2
So I should print n / 2 thATs ModELLinG
you can cheer up yourself with this silly things
And if practicing is enough so why the guy has asked this question?
He / She was looking for different and new ways...
Ok i think your way isn't right way
I'll show you how to become legendary grandmaster with the idea you called silly... check my account next year
You'd be better to continue laughing until next year. because after that you won't laugh anymore.
That's rough, buddy.
OK, I believe you'll be LGM in 1 year( It is easy to see your shine in your rating graph)
Your comment shows that why your just expert after 5 months
You say that because you couldn't do it..
How old are you?
Hmmmmm... so why are you learning programming? to participate in IOI?
to participate in EJOI. I am in 8th grade. I can participate IOI 2 years after.
So cool!
Join this group. It can really help you...
???? Don't understand why this community is so toxic. Obviously this idea may not be conventional or even a good method. Don't see why that warrants 11 downvotes and then a comment from a user basically intending to provoke OP.
I thought downvoting comments is reserved for when people say something offensive/are generally acting immature rather than when they suggest something that others disagree with/ think there are better methods. Why can't we respectfully disagree, like responding to his comment by saying "it may not be applicable in a lot of situations, that's not an efficient method to solve problems quickly" or something. It's also sad that he rose to your provocation. Really unwelcoming community.
I'd like to add that not all members of this coding community act like this, in fact I've been introduced to competitive programming through a friend who is one of the nicest people I know. This is just my general impression after reading some of the forums started here.
Maybe a few people misunderstood what I said... from pretests I meant sample tests!
Wow, spoilers for that problem!
This is a good trick -- though I've noticed problemsetters will often include only small/exceptional cases and very large cases to make it harder to see a pattern.
There's an extension of this idea which is when you solve a problem, don't think too hard about the off-by-one logic and just adjust your answer at the end to match the samples (for example, I did this while solving 1371B - Magical Calendar; I defined a function f and knew the answer was either f(n) or f(n+1), so I just tried both).
On the flip side, I definitely feel I could personally benefit from being more systematic and solving problems more completely before writing code (and using paper more!), since the strategy of "get the main idea, code it up, patch any bugs" can sometimes lead to mistakes or unnecessarily long "patch any bugs" cycles.
substitute X for Mind Fast solving(idk what it is but anyway)
Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it! Take a topic X problem. Solve it!
Try to solve a lot of problems, because there are problems that have common ideas and by solving a lot of problems you improve your constructive thinking. For example, when i start to solve D in today’s contest, i got the idea in 10 seconds because I solved the problem with common idea. So, try your best and improve your mind solving by experiences
I think your question is a bit old-fashion because almost everybody knows that the key to success in competitive programming is practicing hard and hard...
I suggest you learn more concepts, algorithms, then practice some problems and improve them with tricks or other skills, methods
Solving a lot of problems harder by harder is the good option since majority of the problems are came from basic, easier problems
Some topics about problems, tricks, concepts, algorithms are well-known and you can take some days training problems in the same topic
I love how cyans and greens are the first to give advice
This made me laugh so hard XD.
Let's get some gray advice in here too.