How does India have only 1 gold medal in IOI? It is literally the 2nd most populated country in the world. Are they that stupid or does everyone cheat their way to get there?
Codechef, the site made by Indians, is also complete trash. The people who made it are incompetent losers who don't care about cheating. It's probably because the developers are used to cheating too.
Now, Indians are taking over Codeforces. Soon this site will become Cheatforces with all these Indians! Please prohibit Indians from participating in Codeforces contests!
Remove omg from codeforces!!!
I'm sure as a green you however know all about getting gold medals at ioi.
Congratulations, you're going to set a new record for the most downvoted blog xD
I did my part :)
You're welcome
Hey, Mike. What is Donald Trump doing here? Kick him out!!!!
Make codeforces and not the war
I know Indians who have contributed more than you to the codeforces community, this is a free community, your racist comments are wrong
How does greens have won no div. 1 contest? It is literally one of the most populated colors on codeforces. Are they that stupid?
Please prohibit greens from participating in Codeforces contests!
Very few high schoolers in India are aware about OI. Only about 600-700 students gave the first stage of OI in India out of the total population. They are not stupid, it's just lack of awareness.
I can't really comment on codechef being trash, since I've not used it much. But surely the developers are not used to cheating.
Many companies in India assess people with their CF rating. They do CP because they want job, not because they love it. This motivates them to cheat.