Recently I encountered a bug or something same, If in blog post or in comment we mention problem from upcoming contest, then it will show problem name too (preview).
I think revealing problem names isn't allowed before contest.
I don't know how this is happening and MikeMirzayanov Sir please have a look on it !
UPD: Issue has been fixed !
1381A1 - Prefix Flip (Easy Version)
1381A2 - Prefix Flip (Hard Version)
1381B - Unmerge
1381C - Mastermind
1381D - The Majestic Brown Tree Snake
1381E - Origami
You're in big trouble mister
now, make a new problemset
The fact that this was revealed just before your contest is a notorious coincidence
I don't if this is some coincidence, but something always happens with Monogon 's rounds XD
LOL, just for fun, let's guess what the problems will be :P.
I will start.
Div1 A: Given an array, in one move, you can reverse a prefix of the array. Sort the given array.
A1: Array is just a permutation. A2: Any possible array
Someone needs to write a solution for this and send it for A1 in the first 20 seconds
maybe you will shut up? just for fun!
Ratism in action
I'll fix it soon. Thanks.
Wow! Fixed, That's why I love Codeforces <3
fake news
Proof: 1381D - The Majestic Brown Tree Snake
no it is fixed now
it's fixed now, it wasn't fixed when h4ckom said it was fixed.
Auto comment: topic has been updated by H4ckOm (previous revision, new revision, compare).