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The question, in short, is to calculate the number of hamiltonian paths from 1 to n. Here I am storing the nodes present in a path as a subset using binary representation. The dp runs for time O(pow(2,n)*n^2) which should be around 4e8. This approach is giving TLE.
Any help would be appreciated and thanks in advance.
This is what you are looking for
I have used the same algorithm. However something in my implementation gives TLE.
const int N=20; ll n,m,q,t,u,v,x,y; ll adj[N][N], dp[1<<N][N]; class Execute{ public: int solve(){
You have “ if(state & (1<<curr))” twice.
my approach worked — though i did top down dp
i made one optimisation — if i reach vertex n before rest of the vertices are visited i return 0
maybe topdown works because unlike bottom up all states arent calculated in top down?
i dont really know a lot though i will include my accepted code
Thanks. ibit gave me the solution. The bound is pretty tight so you have to remove the redundant cases. The optimization you made of returning 0 when reaching vertex n, actually reduces the runtime by more than half and does the trick. Bottom Up or Top Down does not make any difference.
The optimization you made of returning 0 when reaching vertex n, actually reduces the runtime by more than half and does the trick.
This is something i encountered the third time in cses problem set (there maybe more i am yet to do all)
knights tour
grid paths
all these questions use some kind of wierd optimisation which i cant see mathematically how they affect the runtime but after that optimisation they get AC.
I have not done grid paths, but I did not require any optimization in Knights tour. I just used Warnsdorf's rule.
oh i was treating Warnsdorf's rule as an optimisation too
Yeah you are correct this optimizations reduce the runtime by half. I have a bottom up soln .
i had a similar approach , but mu states were inverted and it gave me tle . But when i had the states like yours it got accepted , why is so ? I have heard its better to choose the states with lower no first , why it fails here ?
god knows bro i also faced the same thing