I was trying to hack myself in D. It got hacked successfully, but when I resubmitted it, it still passes in 982ms. I was trying to generate a better test so that it definitely couldn't pass.
So I generated another test, and tried to hack, but the system return "Unexpected verdict". Do that mean the system is not working? Or the authors' solution is wrong? Or something else?
I told my friend tianxiawoyou and when he hacks me, the verdict is still "Unexpected verdict". I tried to hack another person, but it seems that the system is working.
Here is my generator (I tried both uploading the generator and the file, but both returns "Unexpected verdict")
It means one of the solutions marked on Polygon as Correct can't pass this test.
Thanks a lot for answering.
Maybe isaf27 should check the solutions on Polygon?
Thanks, fixed and rejudged all hacks
I tried your generator on my solution, and I also got unexpected verdict.