cniks117's blog

By cniks117, 12 years ago, In English

please explain me the approach to solve the problem ..i read the editorial but couldnt understand the soln.. thanx in advance

Tags 332b, dp
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12 years ago, # |
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I didn't read editorial, but this is my solution :) Although, I don't think it will be different.

So your task is to find non-intersecting segments with length k and maximum possible sum. First think we can notice is, that seqments are always exactly of length k. So you can precompute sum of sequence [a, a + k - 1] for each a. This can be easily done with one traverse of array. When we knew sum for sequence [a, a + k - 1] just add element xa + k and subtract element xa and you obtain sum for sequence [a + 1, a + k].

Now we can fix some b. We know sum for [b, b + k - 1], but what about first sequence. Where is best possible a. Well, simply is the sequence [a, a + k - 1] with biggest sum and a + k - 1 < b. But we cannot process all such a, because we will get solution with time complexity O(n2).

But we can also precompute the best a for interval [0, i] for every i using dp. Again, if some Si is the biggest sum of some sequence of length k in interval [0, i], than max(Si, sum([i - k + 2, i + 1])) is answer for interval [0, i + 1]. And we already compute value of sum([i - k + 2, i + 1]) in first transition.

With all of this we just go through all possible b and pick Sb - 1 as the best position for a. You can check my implementation (with som comments) here: 4270931. Time complexity of this solution is O(n).

I hope this is clear enough. If you got any additional questions just ask :)