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Автор itiswhatitizChiyu_0_O, история, 4 года назад, По-английски

Currently studing bit-manipulation and like to share some interesting catch that i got.

  1. As last bit for a give number n is (n&1), but we can also got this value through ((n)&(-n)).

  2. If we have given two numbers a and b, and ask to count number of bit change in a to conver a to b, is simply count 1's set bit in (a^b), where ^ is xor operator.

  3. Best way to count 1's set bit for any nuber n by using n=(n&(n-1);

    while(n) { n=n&(n-1); count_setbit++; //Count 1's set bit. }

  4. Programme to generate all possible subsequence of a given string

    #include <bits/stdc++.h>
            using namespace std;
            int main()
                string s;   cin>>s;
                int len=s.size();
                for(int i=0;i<1<<len;i++)
                    int n=i;    string ans="";
                    for(int j=0;j<len;j++)
                return 0;

I'm parise if you share more initiation like this.

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4 года назад, # |
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abso(x) (x + (x>>31))^(x>>31)
mymin(x,y) y^((x^y)&-(x<y)) 
mymax(x,y) x^((x^y)&-(x<y))
toLower(c) c|' '
toUpper(c) c&'_'
letterpos(c) c&'?'
inc(x) -~x
dec(x) ~-x
lg2(x) 31-clz(x)
setbit(x,i) x|(1<<i)
clearbit(x,i) x&~(1<<i)
flipbit(x,i) x^(1<<i)
getLSB(x) asm ("bsrl %0, %0" : "=r" (x) : "0" (x))
4 года назад, # |
Rev. 2   Проголосовать: нравится 0 Проголосовать: не нравится

The 3rd technique can also be done as __builtin_popcount(n); of course if you do this you can't know other things that you may need to, as the positions of the 1's bits, etc, and in that case you are going to need to use the technique that you published