Well, let me guess about your journey to this blog. Maybe you were reading something important on codeforces, then you saw this blog title pop up in your recent action menu. Curiously you clicked on the title blog addiction and now you're here. This is precisely what happens to me most of the time . Maybe I'm reading editorial of a past contest then I see any interesting title appearing in my recent action feed . In no time , I fell into the rabbit-hole of blogs , and completely lost sight of the original goal ( in this case , reading editorials of the problem I couldn't solve).
With the ever increasing user base of codeforces , the title nowadays are very clickbait-ish . I guess this is how people ( including me ) develop youtube addiction too .
I'm sure this has happened to many of us . How do you deal with this ?
Block em!
how ?
Make a javascript script in Tampermonkey or similar, I think it should be a pretty easy fix. I think you just have to remove the last element with class "caption titled".
You can use an adblocker extension and manually remove the "recent actions" box
You can hide the recent actions block, simply by navigating to
Profile > Settings > Sidebar and then by checking the box that reads:
Hide sidebar block ''Recent actions''
Dammit I got clickbaited too
Bruh, You okay?
If there's any brave person who reached to the first edit, do enlighten the community with this holy secret
TL;DR It's up to you to control yourself, clickbaity blogs are not the problem.
The thing is, you're not only going to be addicted to codeforces blogs, you are free to look up anything in the internet and get distracted. The problem really isn't codeforces blogs that are written for fun. There will always be some kind of distraction, whether online or offline, and at the end, it will be entirely up to you to control yourself to do what you need to do. I'm pretty sure all of us have gotten distracted with something on the internet at some point, but just because some blog titles are clickbaity-ish doesn't mean you let it have control over you.
You can reach it immediately with inspect element.
Dammit should've known better than to trick a bunch of programmers
On the element for the "Rev. 420" part, see the "revision" field. Set it to 2. Press the <- arrow. It'll go to Rev. 1.
TL;DR It's up to you to control yourself, clickbaity blogs are not the problem.
The thing is, you're not only going to be addicted to codeforces blogs, you are free to look up anything in the internet and get distracted. The problem really isn't codeforces blogs that are written for fun. There will always be some kind of distraction, whether online or offline, and at the end, it will be entirely up to you to control yourself to do what you need to do. I'm pretty sure all of us have gotten distracted with something on the internet at some point, but just because some blog titles are clickbaity-ish doesn't mean you let it have control over you.
Eh it's probably not the blog's name problem
Or maybe it is
Idk really
Can you really be addicted to blogs?
I mean it's up to you to control yourself
True blogs are clickbaity nowadays
Not really
EDIT: Yes really
Not really
It's backtracking
How are you doing this?
Almost there xd
My hands hurt now
Eh you know there's not much to see here
Will this just gain more attention?
Pls don't look thx
Although I'm not good enough so fast typing can help me :(
At least it's good for typing practice
Why am I even doing this
Yoooo yoyoyoyoyoyoo yoooooooooo
I don't wanna do this anymore but I just can't stop it's too fun lmao
Dogeforces book of world's most useless records
Similar to groups section, codeforces should implement a rating restriction to blog section
I personally feel that recent actions is sometimes very useful. CF Community posts several tutorials of new techniques for beginners like me and also news about new competitions and stuff. Basically it helps me keep myself updated.