this blog is to big attention that just a month ago there were contest every second day but now one is after 4 days there there are no announcements of any further contest except the one that is after 2 weeks. please bring contest more frequently. i know that we can give virtual but nothing can compare a real rated contest.
This just means that, a month ago, there were more people who had time / were willing to write problems, and nothing else. It's even surprising that we can have a contest every week or so, because that means each week, there is a group of people who has dedicated hours to writing, testing, and rewriting problems. (If you try writing a problem yourself, you'll see that it's very difficult and time consuming!) Don't expect there to be a contest every day, because there aren't enough people to write and test contests.
In my humble opinion, now the requirements for a contest have increased comparing with contests in the past.
It means that contests became less frequent, but better.
Antontrybug rejected all the problems, and now the setters went on strike. Probably.
Anton Trygub is not hypercritical, he wants the contest to be well-prepared. I've already understood it.
If you count for the past 3 months there were around (or exactly) 7 contests in each month. Yes, they are not announcing contest dates before, but i guess number of contests in a month remain the same.