Consider the abcissae x1, x2, x3, ... , xn. Make pairs (A,B) for all x(i),x(i+1) such that: A=min[x(i) and x(i+1)] and B=max[x(i),x(i+1)] Now, consider 2 segments (P,Q) and (R,S).
P ---------------------- Q
'R' can lie either within PQ or outside it.
If R lies outside,
S can either lie outside or inside. If S lies inside PQ, then there is an intersection, else there is not.
If R lies inside PQ,
P -------------R-----Q
If S lies Outside PQ, then there is an intersection, else there is not.
P -------------R-----Q-----S
P -------------R--S--Q
So, it is just 2 cases we have to check, if we make a min/max pair.
The solution is of time complexity O(n^2).