Приветики! ヾ(≧▽≦*)o
This is a meme announcement, but it will be updated too.
We are incredibly happy to invite you to a special (for us and, we hope, for you) event, Codeforces Global Round 16. It will be held on 12.09.2021 17:35 (Московское время), rated for everyone of course! Feel free to participate!
The problems were written and prepared by shishyando and Artyom123.
We chose the green color because it matches the "Upvote" button (cyan is fine too).
You know what to do.
Huge Thanks and much Love
to great people who contributed in the round creation
These people really deserve all the warm words and that green upvotes:
- isaf27, the one who did a lot of things for the round to happen, I just can't find the exact words to thank him orz
- Shinchan01, Ziware, I_love_teraqqq, ijxjdjd, wxhtzdy, Absyarka, Kotehok3, Monogon, ptd, physics0523, Igorbunov and kpw29, the color imposter but also a cool guy
- I_love_teraqqq for submitting hundreds of different solutions
- ijxjdjd for his unreadable and hence very funny handle
- Monogon for his attempts to learn russian language and greeting ijxjdjd in russian
- Monogon again for being (you already know his privileges, don't you?) VIP celebrity superstar luminary notable tester
- physics0523 for making researches about the tasks (as he always does <3)
- ptd for his code for the editorial(*^-^*)
- kpw29 for making the testers list a bit more colorful and for being a part of another among us meme
- Supercell, because sometimes we play brawl stars and it helps us invent new problems
- Microsoft for the kaomoji's used in this blog
- MikeMirzayanov for... agh, the copy-pasted part has already ended... for his immeasurable contribution to the development of the community!
About the problems and the contest overall:
This is our third round and we tried our best to make it special for the whole Codeforces community!
You will have 2.5 hours to solve 8 problems. As always, we highly recommend reading all problems. Moreover, we really hope you upsolve the problems after the round, there are some interesting things to find out!
A formal thing we should say (◔_◔)
One of these problems is interactive, please see the guide of interactive problems if you are not familiar with it.
Score Distribution:
500 — 750 — 1000 — (750 + 1000) — 2000 — 2500 — 3000 — 3750
Editorial: Editorial
System testing finished, congrats to the winners!
very excited to try and solve some of these problems!
You did not even participate in it. You deserve every downvote you got
Brawl stars — is the best game!
brawl stars forever
I hope contest will be interesting as announcement.
Why are you downvoting the announcement blog? Are there some trolls?
At first i thought the author posted a draft by mistake XD
gl hf
Привет люблю борщ
Русский или украинский?
борщ или украинский борщ
Привет ненавижу борщ
повезло что твоя лошадь умеет готовить борщ
I don't know Russian but I think it would be "As a VIP tester"..
Strange announcement
COC was the last supercell game I had :)
Global Rounds always bring amazing problems. Hoping the same this time as well!!
As a color impostor tester and a cool guy...
whenever there might be a chance of an interactive problem appearing in the contest.......
Wow! It's my first time to see a meme announcement of a contest!
It's my first time to be a part of meme announcement of a contest ... ┐(゚~゚)┌
Aha, as someone mentioned there, I've been rickrolled
Is this officially a meme round or what?