Hello Codeforces!
We would like to invite you to the first official round of Infoleague Winter 2022, starting Saturday, January 8th at 14:00 GMT.
This contest will have 2 divisions, each containing 3 problems, which are not necessarily sorted in increasing order of difficulty. Div 2 is recommended for low-Experts and below (i.e. <1700), while Div 1 is recommended mainly for high experts, CMs and Masters.
Contest duration:
Div 1: 5 hours
Div 2: 3 hours
Scoring distribution (for both divisions): 100-100-100
The scoring system is IOI-esque, with full feedback. All problem statements will be available in English.
Problemsetters: Gheal, tibinyte2006, ntherner
Testers: andrei_boaca, IacobTudor, RaresFelix
Upd 1: The Div. 2 round is over! Conngratulations to the winners!
- codrincrismariu with 224 points
- Kripton2005 with 198 points
- alexkrunker with 133 points
- sheldonn and amcbn with 120 points
- Frappuccino, shabh_m3y, YMSeah and bugdone with 100 points
The Div. 2 editorial can also be found here!
Upd 2: The Div. 1 round is over! Congratulations to everyone who participated! The editorial can be found here.