marks39's blog

By marks39, 9 months ago, In English

"I'm just in a mood to shitpost. Don't take it too seriously." -Um_nik


  • DFS
  • BFS
  • 0-1 BFS
  • Kruskal's
  • Dijkstra's
  • Bellman-Ford
  • 2-Coloring
  • Prim's
  • Floyd-Warshall
  • Johnsons
  • Ford-Fulkerson
  • Dinics
  • Edmonds-Karp
  • Level Graphs
  • SCC
  • 2VCC/2ECC
  • 2-Sat
  • Dominator-Trees
  • Hopcroft-Karp
  • Hungarian
  • MCMF
  • Top Sort
  • Blossom's
  • Eulerian Cycle
  • Hamiltonian Cycle
  • TSP
  • Functional Graphs
  • Augmenting Paths


  • Range DP
  • Divide and Conquer DP
  • Convex Hull Trick
  • Space Save
  • Alien Trick
  • Bitmask DP
  • State Switch
  • Digit Descent


  • Hashing
  • KMP
  • Z-function
  • Trie
  • Aho Corasick
  • Suffix Automaton
  • Suffix Tree
  • Suffix Array
  • Eertree
  • Manachers

Data Structures

  • Segment Tree
  • Prefix Sum
  • DSU
  • DSU Rollback
  • Treap
  • Binary Indexed Tree
  • Queue
  • Stack
  • Priority Queue
  • Linked List
  • Sets
  • Maps
  • Bitsets
  • Ordered Statisic Tree
  • Lazy Propagation
  • Li Chao Tree
  • Sparse Table
  • Persistent Segment Tree
  • Implicit Segment Tree
  • Lazy Propagation
  • Monotonic Stack
  • Monotonic Queue
  • Quad-Tree
  • KD BITs


  • Vectors
  • Segments
  • Lines
  • Shoelace Theorem
  • Polygon Tangents
  • Point in Polygon
  • Convex Hull
  • Polygon Clipping
  • Circle-Line intersection
  • Circle-Circle Intersection
  • Circle Tangents
  • Circumcircle
  • Planar Sweep
  • Radial Sweep
  • Halfplane intersection
  • Minkowski Sum
  • Convex Shell
  • Delaunay Triangluation
  • Voronoi Diagram
  • Power Triangulation
  • Power Diagram
  • KD Tree
  • Minimum Enclosing Circle
  • Rotating Calipers
  • Reflection Trick
  • Closest Pair of Points
  • Euler Characteristic
  • Pick's theorem
  • Polygon Center
  • Visibility Graphs


  • Simplex
  • Matrix Expo
  • Binary Expo
  • Permutation Cycles
  • Gaussian
  • Markov Chain
  • Prime Sieve
  • Millar Robin
  • Pollard Rho
  • Newtons Method
  • Totient Function
  • Mobius Function
  • Combinatorics
  • FFT
  • NTT
  • XOR Basis
  • Fermat's Little Theorem
  • Discrete Log
  • Simpsons Rule
  • Runge-Kutta
  • Ternary Search
  • Polynomial Interpretation
  • Tridiagonal Matricies
  • Prime Factorization
  • Grundy Numbers
  • Game Theory
  • Inclusion-Exclusion
  • Extended Euclidean


  • LCA
  • Virtual Trees
  • Binary Lifting
  • Euler Tour
  • HLD
  • Reroot DP
  • Tree Diameter
  • Centroids
  • Tree isomorphism
  • Subtree Convolution


  • Divide and Conquer
  • Backtracking
  • Log Decomp
  • Small to Big
  • Dynamic Connectivity
  • Parallel Binary Search
  • XOR Hashing
  • Coordinate Compression
  • Meet in the Middle
  • 2 Pointer Sweep
  • Kadane's
  • Sorting
  • Interval Scheduling
  • Sliding window
  • Matroid intersection
  • Exchange Arguments

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