Hi, Codeforces users!
We are announcing ITMO Winter Camp in Competitive Programming that will be held online. On each of the 10 days from January 10 to 21 (the weekend are the rest days) two-hour lecture and two-hour practice session is going to take place.
Each day one topic is covered, and the practice session is a set of problems of that topic. For lectures we use Zoom, and for practice we use Codeforces. Both will be live, so you can ask questions during the lecture and during the practice, the teacher will help you if you are stuck with your code or didn't get something. The lectures and the problem statements are in English. The school is mostly for Codeforces division 2 and 3 participants. You are required the knowledge of high school math and the ability to code simple programs in C++/Java/Python (or any other language that Codeforces supports, but we are not sure we can help with them).
The main topics are:
- Algorithms, Complexity, O-notation, Recursion
- Sorting and Binary Search
- Dynamic Programming
- Graphs, DFS, SCC finding
- Graphs, Shortest paths, BFS, Dijkstra's algorithm
- Strings, Prefix-function, Z-function
- Segment Tree
The main topics will be covered for sure, but other topics on the official website can be changed depending on average level of students. If you already attended our camps before, be careful, this one will contain the same topics.
Our tutors: VArtem, niyaznigmatul, Aksenov239, GShark, budalnik.
The cost of participation is 245 Euro. ITMO Official Certificate will be given to the participants.
To apply, visit https://schools.itmo.ru/en/school/26/. Application deadline is December, 15, 2021.
If you have any organizational questions (regarding documents, payment, certificates, etc) ask the school manager Ekaterina Rassolenko by emailing to e.rassolenko (at) itmo.ru.
We are aiming that there will probably be two learning groups, at different times of day, for students from different timezones. The current plan is: Morning classes are held from 11:00 to 15:00, evening classes – from 17:00 to 21:00 (GMT +3).