Problem 21D - Traveling Graph
How would we solve the problem if it was compulsory to visit some given edges at least once and optional to visit others ???
Any approach / solution / code is much appreciated.
Thanks a lot :)
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Problem 21D - Traveling Graph
How would we solve the problem if it was compulsory to visit some given edges at least once and optional to visit others ???
Any approach / solution / code is much appreciated.
Thanks a lot :)
Given array and m. Find the index i such that A[i]%m is maximum. What is the best method to do that if I have incoming queries of m.
Any help is much appreciated, thanks :)
Here is the reference problem
What If I have upto N numbers instead of 0 and 1 only and I want to group all of them separately?
Eg. [1,2,3,2,1,4,3] — > [1,1,3,3,2,2,4]
How to solve this for minimum swaps ?
Any help is much appreciated, THanks :)
All accepted solutions are hidden. Why is that so?
Take L to R on number line of positive integers (no array given), find the minimum number of numbers you need from this range to get their XOR = K, else print -1. L,R,K are given in queries.
Constraint : R-L <=10^6
Any approach is much appreciated :) THAnks alot
Does Codeforces Online Judge allow us to use Boost Library for C++ ?
It would help and ease the issue of big integers...
Or what is the alternative for that ? Obviously I can handle using mod at times...but any other easy alternative?
Any suggestion is much appreciated :)
Thanks :)
Ques : Find number of inversion counts in Range [L,R] for Q queries. ****
Array Size <=1000 ; Each integer from 1 to n occurs exactly once in this array.
Queries<= 100000
What is the best method you can suggest? Any help is much appreciated.
Thanks :)
I know the B.S and basic implementation of Ternary Search. But i don't know where to apply T.S ? When B.S fails... how do think that T.S would work?
For Eg: Problem : 439D - Devu and his Brother , Submission(T.S) : 6814294
Any help is Much Appreciated.
I want to use hash table of key : vector and value : int How can i use that ? Map<vector< int >,int> uses extra logn factor which many a times doesn't suite me and gives TLE. I just want to store frequency of a kind of vector.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
In many questions i feel if i am able to get primes upto 10^9, i can solve the problem but how do i do that?
I know Sieve upto 10^6. I know Segmented Sieve for U-L. But still i cant get primes upto 10^9. Please give me some idea. Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot"
For all those who want to start off with a topic and looking to get with some easy questions for the beginning, you can find them here.
There's no tag for Trie Data Structure in problemset. Can you tell me a few questions on Trie please? Beginner to Intermediate level. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance:)
For questions like: (Rat in a maze) In 2-d matrix, given starting point and destination point.. with some points blocked or something, you have to calculate number of paths to reach destination ( given 4 types of moves)... Can I apply DP with it? Memorizing the state Dp[x][y], and using it if i visit that node again??
When i backtrack, how do i un-visit that node and alter DP table with that?
For Eg: 540C - Ice Cave or 374C - Inna and Dima
Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks a lot :)
Question :
I want to know how it can be done using 1.Graphs 2.Dynamic Programming
Also there is a harder version of the problem. [problem:] What changes do i need to make for this in my approach?
P.S my rating is 1600. Any help is appreciated Thanks
I am facing issues in questions in which Given is a tree with no fixed root, n<=1e5 . I can simply do the question if i traverse the tree for each node as root (n^2) but it gives TLE. I know i have to apply DP and rerooting concept.
Can anyone provide me a blog for this particular topic? Or some handful questions on that to learn with the topic? (my rating:1600)
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
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