risingStark's blog

By risingStark, history, 13 days ago, In English

Hello Codeforces,

In this blog, I want to discuss a technique I devised while solving the problem ABC392F Insert. Although I couldn't solve it during the contest due to time constraints, I later implemented a solution with the help of ChatGPT and it received AC. (I do feel the test cases are weak and a solution like this might not pass on tougher tests.) The editorial mentioned PBDS as a faster alternative.

Anyhow, I'm curious if you have seen this idea before, please share the relevant links and acknowledge the original source. Your feedback and insights are very welcome!

Problem Statement

Given n integers, insert them at their respective positions in the array built so far.

For i = 1, 2, …, n, perform the following operation in order: - Insert the number i into the array A so that it becomes the P[i]-th element from the beginning.
In other words, replace A with the concatenation of: 1. The first P[i] — 1 elements of A 2. The number i 3. The remaining elements of A starting from the P[i]-th element

Constraints: - 1 ≤ n ≤ 5×10^5 - 1 ≤ P[i] ≤ i - All input values are integers.

Approach: √n Decomposition

The main idea is to maintain the evolving array A as a list of blocks (vectors) where each block has roughly O(√n) elements. This allows for efficient arbitrary insertions:

  • Insertion:
    For each number, determine the block and the exact position within that block by subtracting block sizes until the position is found. This takes O(√n) time per insertion.

  • Balancing:
    After each insertion, check if a block's size reaches 2 × √n. If so, split the block into two to maintain the block sizes around O(√n), ensuring subsequent insertions remain efficient.

  • Overall Complexity:
    With n insertions each taking O(√n), the total time complexity is O(n√n).


Submission link, AC

void solve() {
    int n;
    cin >> n;

    vector<vector<int>> arr;
    const int blk = max(1, (int)sqrt(n));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int x;
        cin >> x;
        x--;  // Convert to 0-indexed

        int b = 0;
        if (i == x) {
            if (arr.empty()) {
                arr.push_back({ i + 1 });
            } else {
                b = arr.size() - 1;
                arr[b].push_back(x + 1);
        } else {
            while (x > arr[b].size()) {
                x -= arr[b].size();
            arr[b].insert(arr[b].begin() + x, i + 1);

        if (arr[b].size() == 2 * blk) {
            vector<int> t(arr[b].begin() + blk, arr[b].end());
            arr.insert(arr.begin() + b + 1, t);
    for (auto& block : arr)
        for (int num : block)
            cout << num << " ";
    cout << "\n";

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By risingStark, history, 2 months ago, In English

In the recently conducted Goodbye 2024 contest, there was a problem(B) regarding intervals.

In the official solution and the submissions I saw, the fact that played a major role was that 1 <= l <= r <= 2*n.

This allowed us to make an array of size 2*n and then use prefix sums to find how many intervals of size 1 completely occupy some interval having size > 1.

What if the limit would have been 1e9 instead of 2*n?

For this modification, I was thinking, we can first store all the intervals of size 1 in a new array (let's say b). Then loop over b and merge intervals and at the end we will have some non-overlapping intervals. Now, taking these new intervals from array b, we need to find out how many intervals of size > 1 from the original array are completely contained in these newly built intervals from array b.

Is there a fast way to check this? In other words, we have two arrays a and b and we want to find out which intervals from a are completely contained in some interval from array b (where intervals in b are non-overlapping). Both a and b can be of the size of O(n) with 1 <= n <= 1e5. How can we solve this problem in atmost O(nlogn)?

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By risingStark, history, 5 months ago, In English

I was asked this question in on online test. So, this question is not possible to submit on some judge. But I found a similar question somewhere else. The question goes like this...


There are multiple delivery centers and delivery warehouses all over the world! The world is represented by a number line from -10⁹ to 10⁹. There are n delivery centers, with the i-th one at location center[i]. A location x is called a suitable location for a warehouse if it is possible to bring ALL the products to that point AND then return them to their original locations by traveling a distance of no more than d.

At any one time, products can be brought from one delivery center and placed at point x. Given the positions of n delivery centers, calculate the number of suitable locations in the world. That is, calculate the number of points x on the number line (-10⁹ ≤ x ≤ 10⁹) where the travel distance required to bring all the products to that point AND then return them to their original locations is less than or equal to d.

Note: The distance between point x and center[i] is |x — center[i]|, their absolute difference.

Sample test cases

Case 1:
n=3, arr = [0, 1, -2], d = 8

output = 3

Case 2:
n = 4, arr = [2, -4, 0, 3], d = 22

output = 5


1 <= n <= 1e5
-1e9 <= arr[i] <= 1e9
0 <= d <= 1e15


This is the approach I tried. Here’s the idea in plain English:

We want to find a range of positions on the number line where the total travel distance from all the delivery centers to a warehouse is less than or equal to a given distance, called d.

Binary search for the smallest point (xmin): — We start by trying to find the smallest position, xmin, where the sum of the distances from all the delivery centers to xmin is less than or equal to D. — We calculate the total distance by summing the absolute differences between xmin and each delivery center. — If we find such a point xmin, it marks the left end of our range.

Binary search for the largest point (xmax): — Similarly, we look for the largest position, xmax, where the sum of the distances from all the delivery centers to xmax is less than or equal to D. — If we find such a point xmax, it marks the right end of our range.

Range of valid positions: — The positions between xmin and xmax (including both) are all valid locations for the warehouse where the total travel distance from the delivery centers is within the limit D.

By finding xmin and xmax, we define a range [xmin, xmax] on the number line, and every position within this range is a possible location for the warehouse. This range contains all the valid points where the travel distance requirement is satisfied.


bool cal(vi arr, ll d, ll x){
	ll sum = 0;
	for(ll i:arr){
	return (2*sum)<=d;

void solve(){
        int n;
        vi arr(n);

	ll d;

	// sort(all(arr));

	ll l1 = -1e9, h1 = 1e9;
	ll minx = h1;
	  ll m = (l1+h1)/2;
	  if(cal(arr, d, m)){
	    minx = min(minx, m);
	    l1 = m+1;
	l1=-1e9, h1=1e9;
	ll maxx = l1;
	  ll m = (l1+h1)/2;
	  if(cal(arr, d, m)){
	    maxx = max(m, maxx);
	    h1 = m-1;

	else cout<<(maxx-minx+1);

Issue (asking help)

But then while submitting, I found out that approach fails on some test cases. I figured that it makes a "V", where before that minx, everything is false, after that maxx, everything is false. between them its true.


I have done binary search where there's only 1 inflexion point. How do I tackle this problem with two inflexion points? Is there no way rather than to have multiple if else of checks to see if we are in the right inflexion point or the left inflexion point? What if there were 3 inflexion points? How would we approach that?

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By risingStark, 4 years ago, In English

I get to encounter problems of this kind and when I think that their solution is using dp, either the given value of n turns out to be too large or one of the operations consumes too many recursive function calls. Is there any general way to solve such problems or initial approach one should start thinking?

  1. Codeforces Problem 1485A
  2. Add and Divide This problem is of 30-day February 2021 challenge Week 3. Requires login to view problem.
  3. SPOJ MST1 This problem has n<=1e7, i.e. can be solved using O(n) dp but what if n was upto 1e9 like in this problem.

I also thought of using BFS as it can give me the minimum number of steps to reach the goal but it did not work in general.

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