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snklp1's blog

By snklp1, history, 4 years ago, In English

I don't know how did this happen, but my rating just jumped up 300 points. this is just after the DIV 2 round I gave some 2 hours ago. I didn't even solve any problem but just attempted one (the easiest of them) and in that too failed, due to a time limit exceeded error.

I felt a bit down after that. But I was solving other problems. This has now boosted my coding engines. Now, I'll work twice as hard.

You may see this as childish celebration and a noob getting excited over something which is so common but to me its a first. I really don't know any coding (in comparison to the average coder of Code forces ) but this is motivating.

To be in the rankings, no matter how low; It shows that maybe I'm on the right track. So cheers to everyone whos working hard.

Keep trying!

Edit : I see some people in the comments have a bit of discomfort/unsurity about me getting a 360 jump. Maybe thier consternations are well placed and that made me wonder as well about things at hand.

Upon looking, I came across this blog from Mike himself :

Maybe this makes things clear. IDK.

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By snklp1, 4 years ago, In English

Coding is tough. Its now that I have developed sheer respect for those who have not only aced it but continuously work to better themselves. I wanna be like them. I wanna excel in this area and I will strive as much as I can.

The biggest problem to me is lack of consistency. I get off track so easily that it even bothers me sometimes. hopefully, things will change now.

I wish all the best to everyone hustling to plant a foot in this ground.

cheers, good luck.

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