Hi codeforces,
I've written a simple script to get tags distribution on codeforces. May be this data will be useful for somebody.
Tag — Number of problems with this tag (thanks st3v3n for an updated version of the script)
- implementation 1865
- math 1536
- greedy 1452
- dp 1256
- data structures 969
- brute force 930
- constructive algorithms 849
- graphs 663
- sortings 598
- binary search 577
- dfs and similar 564
- trees 482
- strings 458
- number theory 409
- combinatorics 340
- [*special] (/problemset?tags=*special) 297
- geometry 276
- bitmasks 270
- two pointers 268
- dsu 204
- shortest paths 159
- probabilities 152
- divide and conquer 151
- hashing 123
- games 115
- flows 88
- interactive 87
- matrices 83
- string suffix structures 65
- fft 46
- graph matchings 45
- ternary search 36
- expression parsing 33
- meet-in-the-middle 32
- 2-sat 17
- chinese remainder theorem 10
- schedules 5
PS: link to the updated script.