Hello Codeforces!
I am glad to invite you all to participate in regular Codeforces Round #352 that will take place on 11 May, 19:35 MSK. This will be my first round, so I hope that it will be interesting for you guys. There will be 5 problems for each division, and contest will last 2 hours.
Round wouldn't take place without the help of GlebsHP, I am very thankful for his great help. I also want to thank to Zlobober, winger, AlexFetisov, ikbal and ykaya for testing problems, to hasanb for inspiring me in a problem. I got great help and wise advices from all of them so this is their round too as much as mine. Of course I want to thank Mike and all others who puts his effort into Codeforces and Polygon systems. I don't know what we would do without this great platform.
UPD1: Score distribution:
Div. 2: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500
Div. 1: 500-1000-1500-2000-3000
UPD2: I will post editorial as soon as possible, thank you for your patience. Congratulations to winners!
Div.1 winners:
Div.2 winners:
UPD3: Editorial is now available.