By Um_nik, history, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hello everyone!

Codeforces Round #315 will take place soon. The authors of this round are students of Ural FU sivukhin and Um_nik. This is our second round. First one was in the black days of Codeforces and we hope that this will not happen again after our round :)

We want to thank Codeforces team for great Codeforces and Polygon platforms and Zlobober for helping us prepare this round.

Good luck!

Score distribution.
div2 : 500-1000-1500-2250-2750
div1 : 500-1000-1500-2250-2500
We strongly recommend you to read all the problems. We try our best to prepare different problems and some problems that hard for us can be easy for you.


Congratulations to the winners!

1. KAN
2. Petr
3. enot110
4. tonyjjw
5. Konijntje

1. Lost
2. loser21
3. fyiwxp221
4. hqpwca
5. LazyWolfLin

Thank you for participating.

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By vovuh, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hello, Codeforces!

5th august 2015 at 19:00 MSK Codeforces Round #Pi will take place for second division participants. Participants from the first division are able to participate out of the contest.

This is my first round on Codeforces. I hope you will enjoy the tasks and this will stimulate me to prepare new rounds! Wish you quick Accepted verdicts and successful hacks.

I want to thank Michael Mirzayanov (MikeMirzayanov) for wonderful platforms Polygon and Codeforces and for help in preparing the tasks, Maxim Akhmedov (Zlobober) for help in contest preparation, Maria Belova for translation statements to english, and also my friends Danil Sagunov ( and Vitaliy Kudasov (kuviman) for solving the tasks.

Participants will be given six tasks and two and the half hours for solving them. Scoring system will be announced closer to round start.

UPD: Scoring: 500-1000-1500-2000-2500-2500.

UPD Editorial

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By Zlobober, 10 years ago, translation, In English

The registrations before 00:00 have been deleted, because the form didn't support teams. Please, register again if your registration has been affected.

VK Cup 2015 Final Round has ended two days ago. It's very likely that you've seen our previous posts. The last event to happen is online mirror of the final round. It will be held on Thursday, July 30th, at 19:00 Moscow time. Individual contestants as well as teams consisting of two people may participate in this round. Round duration is three hours, problems will be shuffled in comparison with to the original order. Both division participants may take part, but we want to warn 2nd division contestants that problemset may be hard for them. This round is a rated Codeforces round.

Finally, we want to thank all people that made this Championship. Following VK developers, Codeforces team members and the other people suggested their help to us while creating and preparing problems: PavelKunyavskiy, burunduk3, Dmitry_Egorov, Kurpilyansky, dark_ai, MikeMirzayanov, Zlobober, MaximShipko, kuviman, Nickolas, Errichto, sankear и malcolm. We want to thank the people that helped us very much by testing our rounds and giving great advices: winger и AlexFetisov. Also we want to say thank you to all VK members that helped us to run the onsite Finals: burunduk3, Burunduk2, KOTEHOK and many others. Thank to all of them!

Good luck and have fun on our Online Mirror!

UPD: Note that during the round the team is allowed to use only one computer. This means that you may code/use console/succeed in solving problems in any other manner by using only one computer at time. The only thing that is allowed from two computers is reading the statements.

UPD2: Since this is a team contest, specially for your convenience we publish the encryped zip-archive with pdf-statements of problems: When round starts, we'll publish a password for it.

UPD3: The round will use the dynamic scoring with 250 points step.

UPD4: Due to technical reasons the round starts at 19:20 Moscow time.

UPD5: Password for statements archive: vkcup4ever. Good luck!

UPD6: Online mirror has ended! Congratulations to winners:

  1. rng_58
  2. Zenith: I_love_Hoang_Yen, ngfam_kongu
  3. OrOrZZZ!: zld3794955, KFDong
  4. Petr team: Petr, ilyakor
  5. jcvb_matthew99: matthew99, jcvb

Also, my personal respects for a team "Petr team: Petr, ilyakor" for only solution for a problem Е in this mirror, user rng_58 and a team "Excited: YuukaKazami, jqdai0815" for two correct solutions for problem С.

Congratulations to a user rng_58 that showed that a single contestant can compete with teams consisting of two people!

Rating will be updated shortly.

UPD7: Editorial!

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Announcement of VK Cup 2015 - Finals
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By Zlobober, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Hi everybody!

Yesterday, on July 24th, we started VK Cup 2015 Finals! During the day all participants of the competition successfully went to the St. Petersburg, those who got here earlier enjoyed a great trip over the roofs of this beautiful city. And now we are waiting for a practice round that will happen in a few hours, giving participants an option to test their contest environment and do their best while solving several usual (and not only usual) problems. After the lunch, contestants will compete in the first round of the Finals that is called CodeGame Coding, where they have to write the strategy for a battle wizard.

During today and tomorrow not all of the Codeforces features will be available. On this weekend you may take a rest from writing contests and enjoy the results of the one of the biggest competitions of 2015.

The results of the practice round will be available for spectators by this link. Stay tuned!

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By Sammarize, 10 years ago, translation, In English

Good day for all!

I invite you to participiate in the Codeforces round 313, which is prepeared by me and tunyash. Each of us is prepared four rounds then it is our fifth of ninth round to your notice. I figured out almost all problems (except D div.1), wrote the statements and analysis of all the problems, and tunyash has developed all problems.

Gerald is not coordinator yet and you probobly missed him. In this round you will meet him again and help him in his ordinary life problems.

I want to thank Zlobober, our translator Maria Belova (Delinur) and MikeMirzayanov and all Codeforces team for this platform.

This round will be held in unusual time — 17:00 Moscow Time.

Contest finished! Welcome to editoral:
Short editoral.
Extended editoral.

Div.1 scoring distribution:

500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2250 — 2250

Div.2 scoring distribution:

500 — 1000 — 1500 — 2000 — 2500

I wish you to enjoy solving problems!

Congratulations to winners!

Div. 1:
1. jqdai0815
2. qwerty787788
3. SirShokoladina
4. ainu7
5. Endagorion

Div. 2:
1. goons_will_rule
2. lbn187
3. crawling
4. loveannie
5. Jagabee

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By marek.cygan, 10 years ago, In English

I would like to recommend Marathon 24, an annual team programming competition — I have participated in the first two editions and I had lots of fun. Problem writers are also welcome, details are given below.

Hello everyone!

Marathon24 is getting the contest ready for its third edition this fall (online qualifying round on October 17, 2015; and the Grand Final in Warsaw on November 28-29, 2015)!

Meanwhile, we are looking for support in preparing the tasks. We have two types of tasks — in the qualifying round we have optimization and algorithmic problems, each with 10 tests. In the finals there are game-like problems divided into rounds, which require building a strategy, observing the opponents’ moves and being alert for the whole 24 hours of the contest.

Here you can find the problem statements from previous editions of Marathon24:

We are also looking for tasks for the qualifyng round and task concepts for the finals. If you have an interesting idea for the task and want to prepare it for Marathon24 — contact us!

Any questions, doubts, suggestions? We’ll be more than happy to answer!

Send us an email to [email protected] and become a contributor to Marathon24! We are waiting for your ideas till Thursday, July 23, 2015.

For more information about the Marathon24 contest, please visit:

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