The contest is over; I hope you've enjoyed it. 1465 participants submitted at least one problem correctly. Unfortunately, nobody managed to solve all 6 problems; congratulations to ShadowSong who won the contest by solving 5 first problems with the lowest penalty time!
290A - Mysterious strings
Last year we've verified that a lack of problem statement doesn't prevent participants from solving and submitting the problem successfully and at the same time saves the problem setter some writing effort. This year we've ascertained this again. Well, I could've invented a long and knotty legend about you, a young but very promising software developer, were summoned to White House and given a task of utmost importance: to deliver an interactive list of USA presidents from founding fathers to our days. It could have featured a dramatic time-consuming search for necessary info, pursuits, firefights, a wounded teammate whose dying words were "Eight is Van Buren, don't forget... print Van, just Buren... doesn't pass". But what for?