새해 복 많이 받으세요, 코드포스! (Happy new year, Codeforces!)
Welcome to the first Codeforces Round of the new decade, Hello 2020! The round will be held on Jan/04/2020 15:05 MSK.
Some information about the round:
- Div 1, 2 combined
- 2.5 hours!
- 7 problems!
- No subtasks!
- Score distribution: 500-1250-1750-2500-2750-4000-4000
- Yes, it is rated!
This round is prepared by ko_osaga nong ckw1140. I am personally very thrilled to deliver my first Codeforces contest as such a memorable one!
More credits for the contest:
- Coordinator: 300iq
- Testers: kdh9949 kriii OnionPringles molamola. evenharder jihoon DongwonShin xiaowuc1 998batrr KAN Diuven
- Great Codeforces and Polygon: MikeMirzayanov
UPD: Editorial. Thank you for your participation!
UPD2: Winners: